My question surrounds producing HDR images that look real.
What methods are people using for creating realistic HDR?
More backstory behind my use case follows:
When I'm in high dynamic range settings, if I shoot for the shadows, the highlights are blown, and if I shoot for the highlights, the shadows are nearly unrecoverable in the "natural" sense of how things look with the eyes. Therefore I need to either bracket and exposure blend, or use an in camera tool I have yet to discover (however I've always found in camera blends don't make things look "realistic" typically). The goal here is to have a scene with call it 16-18 stops of dynamic range (rather than the max 12.5-13 stop in camera) that our eye sees, so the shadows have detail but are still dark, and the highlights have detail but are still bright. I'm wondering what tools and methods, or instructional options people have utilized to create these types of HDR scenes that look completely natural (not the typical slide highlights down, shadows up in ACR method that for me makes things look unnatural and frankly awful). My workflow is probably going to be to stack the images, then utilize luminosity masking, however, I've found when I only have (2) exposures (one for light and one for shadows) the result can sometimes not blend particularly well. Any insight or discussion around tools, or methods others are using is appreciated.