While I agree with Chris that it is acceptable to separate the interviews into 2 parts due to the topics. I think, IMO the problem with doing this is we might have to wait 6-7 months to see the "part 2" installments.
People are more forgiving of a regular magazine splitting a large article into multiple issues because they know in X weeks it will arrive, this is not the case with LLVJ. Magazines and Television sort of condition us to expect installments on a regular basis. The schedule of Michael and Chris more or less make it inevitable that a regular publication date cannot be guaranteed. Don't take that as a criticism of LLVJ - it is just the nature of the beast, so to speak :-)
It might be, that because of the variable publishing dates of LLVJ it is less acceptable to split a article/interview over more than one issue. Looking at the LL shop issue #14 was available on Feb 14th and #15 on Sep 29th. That is a gap of 7.5 months which would be a long time to wait to conclude a 2 part article.
Hopefully, because we already know the BA and BJ interviews concluded will be in #16, the length of time to produce the remaining content will make the gap between #15 and #16 less than between #14 and #15.
If the time between issues can be on a more "regular" 4-5 month timescale then splitting interviews would be fine.
IMO, #15 was the best yet, keep up the good work.