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Author Topic: ANTEVERSE  (Read 4394 times)


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« on: July 22, 2016, 12:19:16 pm »

ENOUGH politics, dark spell, terrorism or economy related posts. Lets speak about imagination, please. As photographers, imagination is what we need to create. It can be used for other things too. In my case, I craft VR, storyline and many other things to purge my head.

So, one year ago, I wanted to create an immersive virtual reality. I'm used to it because I was beta tester for a long time in many games. Gaming can be a good hobby if we fall on the "good" game and the good community. Like forums somehow. But, I wasn't a programmer or designer at all.

I was torturing a game with a bunch of guys and girls but we where deceived by the development road. So I said "Hey guys ! Lets build our own virtual universe !!"

100% said : "You know nothing about it you'll gonna waste your time, it is too complicated".

First, I needed to learn and buy the applications to make it, to learn coding and many other things. Wasn't easy. A Danish friend eventually tried to help me but he was defeatist and always pessimistic about it. At the end he did nothing. It was hard but I took the decision to do my best alone... and I did.

So, after almost a year of hit/miss coding, texturing, animating, I managed to create my environment and the whole idea. Might name it ARTEVERSE instead but for now it is ANTEVERSE and, IMHO, it is beautiful. It is a prototype but it already have his own charm.

I let you download it and use it. It is not easy if you never manipulated a virtual avatar but you'll get used to it. Some town names are the family names of some of my models. it is actually a bit disorganised because I'm building this world and planting trees... there is so many things to do ! Lets dive into my imagination guys to forget five minute the mess of our real world.

NOTA: You'll need a good computer or at least a good graphic card to run it smoothly. The MAC version is compiled and will be uploaded soon. Just download the ZIP and uncompress the package on your desktop. Click the Icon and explore, nothing to install.


Please, give feedback, advices and if you want to be displayed in it, just ask me. Virtually, every phantasm are possible.
Kind Regards -  Hulyss Bowman | |


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« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2016, 01:28:57 pm »

ENOUGH politics, dark spell, terrorism or economy related posts. Lets speak about imagination, please. As photographers, imagination is what we need to create. It can be used for other things too. In my case, I craft VR, storyline and many other things to purge my head.

So, one year ago, I wanted to create an immersive virtual reality. I'm used to it because I was beta tester for a long time in many games. Gaming can be a good hobby if we fall on the "good" game and the good community. Like forums somehow. But, I wasn't a programmer or designer at all.

I was torturing a game with a bunch of guys and girls but we where deceived by the development road. So I said "Hey guys ! Lets build our own virtual universe !!"

100% said : "You know nothing about it you'll gonna waste your time, it is too complicated".

First, I needed to learn and buy the applications to make it, to learn coding and many other things. Wasn't easy. A Danish friend eventually tried to help me but he was defeatist and always pessimistic about it. At the end he did nothing. It was hard but I took the decision to do my best alone... and I did.

So, after almost a year of hit/miss coding, texturing, animating, I managed to create my environment and the whole idea. Might name it ARTEVERSE instead but for now it is ANTEVERSE and, IMHO, it is beautiful. It is a prototype but it already have his own charm.

I let you download it and use it. It is not easy if you never manipulated a virtual avatar but you'll get used to it. Some town names are the family names of some of my models. it is actually a bit disorganised because I'm building this world and planting trees... there is so many things to do ! Lets dive into my imagination guys to forget five minute the mess of our real world.

NOTA: You'll need a good computer or at least a good graphic card to run it smoothly. The MAC version is compiled and will be uploaded soon. Just download the ZIP and uncompress the package on your desktop. Click the Icon and explore, nothing to install.


Please, give feedback, advices and if you want to be displayed in it, just ask me. Virtually, every phantasm are possible.

Despite my lack of interest in games I was willing to have a look but at 460mb even as a zip folder I decided that I'd pass on it TBH. But anyway, it's mighty impressive that you have put it together yourself and you are to be congratulated on that, I hope that something comes of it.

BTW, I was out at Redon a couple of weeks ago and then up to Chateauneuf du Faou for a couple of nights. What a beautiful spot!


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« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2016, 01:38:59 pm »

Ho yea, it is moderately big at 460mb but it is small in the gaming world. I know some of you are billed upon bandwidth... that sucks. Glad you enjoyed my corner of France :)
Kind Regards -  Hulyss Bowman | |


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« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2016, 01:58:54 pm »

Ho yea, it is moderately big at 460mb but it is small in the gaming world. I know some of you are billed upon bandwidth... that sucks. Glad you enjoyed my corner of France :)

Which just goes to show how little I know about the world of gaming!

No photos of Brittany yet as I decided to only take an SLR and four rolls of ten year old film, no idea whether it will develop or not, it was the purity of the medium that was the attraction and if I get some images then that's just a bonus.


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« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2016, 03:27:24 pm »

Very, very nice!  :D

Couple of quick comments.

1. Modern games are IMO rightfully being criticized for... well, being too conservative. One can create whatever he/she pleases, any world and any creatures and creations, and yet in any moderate to big budget title we only see tried and proven environments; mostly franchises.

Your work is a breath of fresh air in that respect, keep going! I've only seen small part of it, but will be returning to your world for sure.

2. Current control scheme suck, alas. Mouse is wa-a-ay too sensitive, using it feels like... work, if not constant struggle. When the app was loaded, I ended up staring at my feet; as a general rule: when an operation that does not take user input ends, discard all the input that user did during it. Most probably, I was moving mouse when the screen was still blank, and that should have had no effect on the character when he (he?) appeared.

Suggestion: main purpose of your world is to be explored; think about untying mouse from movement control altogether. Having mouse just for looking around would be nice... Or at least IF I am moving the character with arrow keys (holding them), then using mouse *just* for looking around is basically a must. This should be an easy thing for you to do.

Another suggestion: think about completely different movement scheme, something like point-and-click. That would be much more befitting for your world, and much more enjoyable for its visitors (myself included). Nothing fancy, no route building algorithms with obstacle avoiding, nothing like that -- just to be able to point where to go, with character stopping after he (he?..) hits the first obstacle on the way.

3. Kind of personal, but still: I like the world outside of the main hall more than the hall itself. Since I was ... err, determined, I found my way out of it, and did not regret. If you know your audience and do not care about the rest, fine (like Unberto Eco, who'd start a novel with such a lengthy and monotonous intro/narrative that it would scare away everyone except "his reader"). If however you do want broader exposure, think about putting a bit more work into the very first thing they see.

4. I liked it, am glad you took the trouble of making all this, and do hope you will continue.

Congratulations, and best of luck!

Alan Klein

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« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2016, 06:39:01 pm »

That was interesting.  I went outside and walked around but didn't know where I was suppose to go. Anyway good luck with your project.  PS I didn't need the CONTR or SHIFT to move around and there as no difference when I pressed those keys.  The Arrows worked fine by themselves.


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« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2016, 06:47:55 pm »

Hey Zorki5, thank you for your kind word and inputs.

I didn't gift any information about the controls just to see if people not used to control avatars manage to get it. You did somehow and every virtual platform has his own way to implement it. This "orbit cam" is necessary for the future because you'll need to see you from all points of view. Think that if I implement the clothes of a creator you'll want to see how to dress yourself and how you'll look like. The very final goal would be that you are able to explore this world (and accessory save your position when you log off) to visit artists’ exhibitions: Photos, fashion, design, sculptures. By the way of a terminal you'll be able to connect to the website of the artist and then buy the piece directly. You'll also have the virtual equivalent in your inventory to display it in your own virtual apartment, house ... When you get bored, you can also go on a little hunt or other gaming activity ingame, why not photography :) But that's the future.

About navigation. Navigation by "way point" is complicated in my case. Think that the landscape was nude at start. I needed to carve the whole landscape, composed by hundreds squares 4km x 4km each; the map is huge. I needed to stitch those squares all together seamlessly (took me 2 months) and then ended with a white landscape. Then I "painted" all those squares with textures (grass, rocks, snow, sand ...) and that was a HUGE work to make it almost seamless. That makes one layer. Then come a second layer and here start the problems: The navigation mesh. It is computer generated all over the landscape and takes all the resources of my computer. The navmesh is invisible and is used by IA of the fauna I will introduce to be able to wander in idle mode and to attack you when you come close, depending of a fixed radius (agro). The problem is that the navmesh sometimes jump cliffs so the creature can lose connection with it and is stuck. My landscape is to complex and I do not have the computing power to make it warp perfectly the ground. I'll need a very very very top end computer to make it good. So actually there is a navmesh on 70% of the squares of the map, for the fauna, and only the flatter squares. What you want will need an another navmesh on top of this one... you see what I want to say.

texturing process

The ANTEVERSE info center is a place I call occultation room. This occultation is needed to not stress your computer when you start. Think that your avatar has a main camera (what you see) and everything  in her field is computer generated (plants clouds ...) inducing stress to the computer. I done it on purpose to have a cathedral effect when you go out and say "wooa !!". I agree, it is empty actually. I did this in last and was very tired but you have some basic info on panels like avatar controls and the map, very important. It will be far better later.

The actual map

About the control, I wanted to know if people read all so I give you some tips :) When you launch the game you have a little window to select screen resolution, windowed or not and an another bracket who let you configure you own control keys. When you old arrow + right shift, you'll run.  Arrow + right crtl, you'll sprint. f... FLY MODE, yes you'll fly :) f again toggle off fly mode. Space makes you jump. Can be used when you run too. Hold right click and you'll zoom, to observe photos or paintings.

You also have a compass who indicates things. Yellow points are POI (point of interest) while red point are creatures. When you go out of the center you'll find Fort McCormick at the est (you'll see yellow dots). In fort McCormick you'll find my temporary gallery in a building and, outside, a teleporter. A sort of big pad with 3 metal pillars and a pulsing plasma bubble. Go on the pad. A window will pop up and will help you navigate far away. Avoid hamburger hill at the start :) there is no teleporter over here to force people to discover (so to run many minutes). When you take a teleporter you are bio-regenerated in a revival terminal, often close to a building.

There is just Memorial Island. Memorial Island is a special place, full of serenity, for people who lost someone in real life. Since it is virtual we can assume it is eternal once seeded on the web. In this place I can craft special monument on demand, for free, to honour someone. It is a special place and if you seek hard you'll find a stele in memory of my grandmother. So when an artist exposing in ANTEVERSE pass away (it can happen), I'll build a custom stele to honour his memory with few words popping out when you come close. This is why the teleporter is not close but a bit more north (you'll see yellow dot on your radar).

There is others teleporters but I let you discover it :) It is also beautiful at night, under the light of the moon. I hope some photographers over here will want to be displayed inside (can be classical style in a barn hidden in a forest, or complete Bauhaus in Waldburg...). I won’t give up and will, little by little, add more contents and story line.

That was interesting.  I went outside and walked around but didn't know where I was suppose to go. Anyway good luck with your project.  PS I didn't need the CONTR or SHIFT to move around and there as no difference when I pressed those keys.  The Arrows worked fine by themselves.

I think I answered many of your question over here :)

PS: you guys should also go into water :) there is a lake north of your position, I'm proud of my water :) Don't forget to see sunset from the bench total west on memorial island. And the moon rise of course. Day night cycle is twenty minutes I think (will extend it later when more contents will be added).
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 06:57:54 pm by Hulyss »
Kind Regards -  Hulyss Bowman | |


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« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2016, 06:36:15 am »

This has me a thinking; I'm all for imagination and can happily admire the dedication and hard work that goes into creating these virtual worlds, but isn't there a real one out there which is even more rewarding to explore?

The obvious answer is that mankind has been creating virtual worlds since he first started painting bison hunts on cave walls and gaming is just the latest manifestation of that urge. An artist expressing their concept of an ideal world is a noble tradition and it is to be encouraged, but is doing so an act of leadership in pointing what we should be striving for, a comment on the human situation, a warning or simply a form of escapism? All these are valid motivations but I am not at all sure of expressing them through the medium of gaming is going to reach as broad or wise an audience as might otherwise be achieved. Yet, on the other hand a great many more people might be exposed to it but will have motivations other than the appreciation of art for viewing.

I'm not knocking the massive effort made here, which I fully admire, just trying to understand the concept of computer gaming as an art form.


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« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2016, 07:40:47 am »

The real world is cool to explore but for that you need money. I travelled a lot. Does it was rewarding ? yes but costed me a load of money so that was half reward. Most people on this planet can't travel. They travel with books and TV.

Virtual universes exist since late 90'. I "played" one and met lot of ppl from other country in it; then we met in real life. A sort of visual facebook somehow. We didn't always play, sometimes we just connected to speak and explore a new area we never went. Some ppl also got married via this media, a lot. There is a community spirit behind, with the possibility to create society and friend-list. I played a lot with ppl aged 50 and +, just to say. It is not like world of warcraft or other "game only" mmo. For many, the world is grey and crap. Humans relations too. Escaping into virtual universes is a way to... escape yes.

Now about art form.

Most of photographers do expose their work. Often it is locally, it cost them some k$ to print and frame for nothing. ppl come to see the exposition to escape rain or sun with their children... then they go out. Lucky the one who get at least one sale... Sad but true.

ANTEVERSE is a way to expose your work, for free, in the environment you like. What is your vision of your own exhibition ? You like clean industrial look with modern furnitures ? Done. You like a log home lost in a beautiful forest near a lake ? Done. You want your prints to be gigantic, to cover walls ? Done. You want your painting or sculptures to be exhibited ? Done !

Since it is standalone and seeded on the web, it is eternal, not like a domain name or whatever you need to rent. Once someone download it he can re-upload it where he want all around the world. This increase your media coverage in the way you want to expose your work. No constrains.

Don't try to put too much philosophy in it. It is just visual art work.
Kind Regards -  Hulyss Bowman | |


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« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2016, 03:46:30 pm »

An artist expressing their concept of an ideal world is a noble tradition and it is to be encouraged, but is doing so an act of leadership in pointing what we should be striving for, a comment on the human situation, a warning or simply a form of escapism?

As an artist, you never ask yourself these questions. You're just doing it because you'can't resist it... You do it if you are not paid for it, or even if you have to pay for it. It's stronger than you.

I am not at all sure of expressing them through the medium of gaming is going to reach as broad or wise an audience as might otherwise be achieved.

As to exposure -- yes, you're right. But then there's immersion and ultimate impact, and that is where VR wins hands down. You can arguably have both if the app is online (kind of doable even these days, with WebGL and similar technologies), but downloadable thing is still way more powerful. I'm glad Hulyss did it the way she did.


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« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2016, 04:01:14 pm »

The real world is cool to explore but for that you need money. I travelled a lot. Does it was rewarding ? yes but costed me a load of money so that was half reward. Most people on this planet can't travel. They travel with books and TV.

Virtual universes exist since late 90'. I "played" one and met lot of ppl from other country in it; then we met in real life. A sort of visual facebook somehow. We didn't always play, sometimes we just connected to speak and explore a new area we never went. Some ppl also got married via this media, a lot. There is a community spirit behind, with the possibility to create society and friend-list. I played a lot with ppl aged 50 and +, just to say. It is not like world of warcraft or other "game only" mmo. For many, the world is grey and crap. Humans relations too. Escaping into virtual universes is a way to... escape yes.

Now about art form.

Most of photographers do expose their work. Often it is locally, it cost them some k$ to print and frame for nothing. ppl come to see the exposition to escape rain or sun with their children... then they go out. Lucky the one who get at least one sale... Sad but true.

ANTEVERSE is a way to expose your work, for free, in the environment you like. What is your vision of your own exhibition ? You like clean industrial look with modern furnitures ? Done. You like a log home lost in a beautiful forest near a lake ? Done. You want your prints to be gigantic, to cover walls ? Done. You want your painting or sculptures to be exhibited ? Done !

Since it is standalone and seeded on the web, it is eternal, not like a domain name or whatever you need to rent. Once someone download it he can re-upload it where he want all around the world. This increase your media coverage in the way you want to expose your work. No constrains.

Don't try to put too much philosophy in it. It is just visual art work.

It is very true that we need money and time to explore the real world but we must not fall into the trap of thinking it no longer exists, or is unimportant, because we can escape into a virtual one instead and you point about a visual Facebook, which I take to be a reference to the real world, is an alarming reminder that for some the line between the two may already have become blurred. Or should we be worried that the virtual world is a primary meeting point between people? It can have its advantages I 'm sure, but I'd still be concerned that not all aspects of life can be satisfied amongst the chips and servers of the WWW.

I take your point about displaying your work through the web and the fact that it may indeed reach a larger audience, but if that audience lives in the virtual world then does that not neutralise any message you may wish to convey about the real world? Why bring reality into a universe that is constructed entirely from imagination and is, as you pointed out, a form of escapism? If your work appears in a virtual world then why should a viewer take notice of any message it contains for is it not as false as that environment that is engaging his senses at the time, and when she/he emerges why should they take that message back into the real world with them?

But you are right, no point in philosophising about it, It's doing my head in trying to think about it anyway!



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« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2016, 05:32:43 pm »

As an artist, you never ask yourself these questions. You're just doing it because you'can't resist it... You do it if you are not paid for it, or even if you have to pay for it. It's stronger than you.

I can't describe it better, thank you very much for that. English isn't my primary language but it is exactly how I feel.

As to exposure -- yes, you're right. But then there's immersion and ultimate impact, and that is where VR wins hands down. You can arguably have both if the app is online (kind of doable even these days, with WebGL and similar technologies), but downloadable thing is still way more powerful. I'm glad Hulyss did it the way she did.

I'm a HE ;)

... is an alarming reminder that for some the line between the two may already have become blurred.

This line is blurred since ages. I studies young people behaviour with technology and they are drown in it big time since more than a decade now. Now AR (augmented reality) start to point her head with pokemon go ... have you seen the buzz ? It is madness. I'm 38 and my first computer was an Amstrad PC1512. I remember vaguely playing barbarian back in the days, in monochrome. I remember my first Mitsubishi giant phone, the first wap chats and the girls I hooked with this... Look where we are now. As I said in an another thread, very seriously, humanity will be mineral in the future. Because we are conquerors, space is our only real escape. To be able to travel trough space humanity will transfer into technology and abandon biological form. Will be probably a transition till we reach a new land to reproduce life OR we will stay technology because it evolute faster in Darwinian terms than our biological form. Homo technus. See ANTEVERSE as a very anticipated window of our future. I have an another big project I will start in a decade, because I need almost a decade to prepare it. It's named THE ORACLE. People will be free to use it or not. THE ORACLE will be a questionnaire interface with more than 30k questions. You'll need more than two years to answer all. Those questions are necessary to describe you as close as possible. I have the help of many psychologists. All your memories as far as you can remember, your origins, your comportment, the way you love others, you dreams ... every thing. This giant data base will be encrypted at the highest standards and will be transmitted, after my death, to a non profit non governmental organisation of my choice. When the days will  come, those memories will be transferred into robotic IA. You think that when you die you completely vanish ? hell no ! This is my best answer to resurrection or, more commonly,eternal life. 

I take your point about displaying your work through the web and the fact that it may indeed reach a larger audience, but if that audience lives in the virtual world then does that not neutralise any message you may wish to convey about the real world? Why bring reality into a universe that is constructed entirely from imagination and is, as you pointed out, a form of escapism? If your work appears in a virtual world then why should a viewer take notice of any message it contains for is it not as false as that environment that is engaging his senses at the time, and when she/he emerges why should they take that message back into the real world with them?

What I display in ANTEVERSE are real life sized prints or framing, upon the wishes of the photographers or painters... My prints in ANTEVERSE are exactly the same as in real life and if there is a message to transmit trough my photos it will be exactly the same in real. It just give you a scale because of the avatar, thing you can't have on a website. you'll have it in a gallery but, as I said, it is far too expensive to be displayed where we want. ANTEVERSE is a media to mimic an exhibition in the environment YOU decide. You should download it.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 05:46:54 pm by Hulyss »
Kind Regards -  Hulyss Bowman | |


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« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2016, 06:29:25 pm »

English isn't my primary language.

Neither is mine...

I'm a HE ;)

... hence this mistake. Sorry about that!

Always had issues with Ulysses BTW, my brain just fails to register it and associate with Odysseus, for whatever reason...

But I'm working on it ;)
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