I'm getting nothing on opening D800E NEFs. I guess I'm out.
I have tried to open ARW and DNG files with no result. (OSX 10.10)
If your photoflow window looks like the first attached screenshot, it is "kind of normal" (but certainly ugly and buggy, something I've fixed in the upcoming version). The reason is that when a RAW file is opened, there is by default no processing applied, just a mere decoding and conversion into a grayscale image corresponding to the bayer pattern.
In order to properly process a RAW image, one needs to add a "RAW developer" layer, which will allow to adjust all the common parameters like the white balance, exposure, color matching, etc...
All details are explained here:
http://photoflowblog.blogspot.fr/2014/09/tutorial-how-to-process-raw-image-in.htmlThe RAW developer settings can be saved into one or more presets, to be easily re-applied to other images.
The second screenshot shows a Sony A7 II ARW file opened with the forthcoming photoflow version available for OSX (the current version has wrong output colors), using the default "RAW developer" settings. As you can see, the file is handled correctly...
Nikon D800 files should also be processed correctly once a "RAW developer" layer is properly added. Moreover, for Nikon cameras there is a rather simple way to exactly match the colors of the in-camera JPegs (or those produced with Capture NX-D). Again, the details are explained in the blog:
http://photoflowblog.blogspot.fr/2014/09/tutorial-how-to-match-nikon-in-camera.html I hope this helps.