But science is unable to explain some things. I choose to believe in God because if I am wrong, I have not lost anything of value. Now, those that do not believe in God are in a different situation. It could really matter if they are wrong. This is my personal choice that I have made and I respect the next person for not believing. To each his own. I see no need in arguing about it or trying to "convert" anyone.
This is not a reliable argument. When a person believes in God, it is a God imagined and expressed through the human imagination.
When a person
disbelieves in God, it is a disbelief also imagined and expressed through the human imagination, but with greater courage because belief is easy and just requires a conformity to tradition, whereas
disbelief requires genuine intellectual activity and questioning of a sort that leads to truth, or at least the scientific framework our society is now based upon.
There was a time, just a few hundred years ago, when science did not exist, and I imagine that life must have been truly awful when those in control were sorcerers, witches, magicians and popes.
I'm so grateful I live in an enlightened era, but so saddened that so many people in this enlightened era are still stuck in the mire of religious bigotry.
Of course there are still many things that science is unable to explain. It's because the standards of scientific explanation are so much higher than the standards of religious explanation.
I hope no-one takes offense. I'm simply expressing an honest opinion.