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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #40 on: March 02, 2012, 08:48:05 am »

Unlike (I think) most here I shoot a crop camera - the Canon 7D. I'd wondered whether the 5DMkIII would be compelling enough to finally move me up to full frame. The specs were disappointing to me at first as well. And they still are, compared to some of the latest offerings from Nikon.

But now this thought is tickling at the back of my mind... one way of looking at this is it's a full-frame 7D. And y'know, that's not so bad. The 7D user interface is *productive*. Lots of useful functions come readily to hand, especially after one customizes it a bit to suit. It's hard to explain but it has a way of making a lot of control readily available but not getting in my face.

So. If this is a full-frame 7D with some further enhancements? That's not so bad. Not so bad at all.

Compared pricewise to the new Nikon? urgh. I like the sound of 36mp when desired, then being able to drop to "just" 16 and crank out a good frame rate. Time and image quality will tell.

Not seeing any chatter here about the new flash system. For me *that* is the hot announcement for the day.

When did the world shift? Canon has the cool flash system and Nikon rules low-light. Whassup with that?
« Last Edit: March 02, 2012, 08:49:54 am by MikeWhitten »


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #41 on: March 02, 2012, 08:48:32 am »

fuji Xpro1
Nikon D4
Nikon D800/E
Canon 1DX
Canon 5D MarkIII

a lot of talk...
I am curious tot see what real use of these cameras brings around..
Pieter Kers


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2012, 09:01:19 am »

Not seeing any chatter here about the new flash system. For me *that* is the hot announcement for the day.
LuLa isn't really a home for serious flash users. I'm sure sites that cater more for the studio and wedding market will be getting excited about the 600.
It does sound a significant step forward, but sadly there's nothing included that will make Canon's auto flash system any easier to understand or use.


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2012, 09:15:01 am »

So many new cameras, what shall I buy? I'll go for a Nokia please, most pixels and fits in a shirt pocket, a great walk around lens.On paper and press release it beats 'em all. Blah who needs a Canokon.



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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2012, 09:21:39 am »

Yep... but who do you think pays the bill at Sony semi-conductor? Hint... the volume sold by Pentax makes them pretty insignificant...  ;)


sure and who do you think pays the bill @ Nikon ? Nikon's customers as well - so by your logic too Nikon also has nothing to do w/ its products ... no matter what amount Nikon paid for the product they did not get any exclusive on that silicone... both Sony Imaging and Pentax got the same sensor and at the same time.


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2012, 09:50:13 am »

This announcement further supports a conclusion that arose with the 1Dx -- that Canon is stuck with an inferior sensor technology relative to the Sony Exmor design, which is incapable of going beyond about 22 or so MP without substantial degradation in performance due to read noise (and is a lot worse performer at its given pixel count, especially at low ISO).  If I weren't chained to an expensive lens collection, the choice between Canon and Nikon these days is crystal clear.  Interesting (and sad) that the clear leader when I started in digital photography was the other one, by an equally wide margin.


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2012, 10:00:40 am »


That is the association I make. A full frame 7D. That is not a bad thing, as the increase in sensor size will give a somewhat better SNR (Signal Noise Ratio) about one fstop difference, like same quality at 800 ISO as on the D7 at 400 ISO.

Best regards

Unlike (I think) most here I shoot a crop camera - the Canon 7D. I'd wondered whether the 5DMkIII would be compelling enough to finally move me up to full frame. The specs were disappointing to me at first as well. And they still are, compared to some of the latest offerings from Nikon.

But now this thought is tickling at the back of my mind... one way of looking at this is it's a full-frame 7D. And y'know, that's not so bad. The 7D user interface is *productive*. Lots of useful functions come readily to hand, especially after one customizes it a bit to suit. It's hard to explain but it has a way of making a lot of control readily available but not getting in my face.

So. If this is a full-frame 7D with some further enhancements? That's not so bad. Not so bad at all.

Compared pricewise to the new Nikon? urgh. I like the sound of 36mp when desired, then being able to drop to "just" 16 and crank out a good frame rate. Time and image quality will tell.

Not seeing any chatter here about the new flash system. For me *that* is the hot announcement for the day.

When did the world shift? Canon has the cool flash system and Nikon rules low-light. Whassup with that?
Erik Kaffehr


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2012, 10:17:17 am »

Does anyone know if spot metering is linked to the active focus point?
Pretty sure the answer is "yes". 
Cheers Ginger. I can't find the specs anywhere though. Spot metering has been kept to the central AF point in previous models.


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2012, 10:22:06 am »

The 5DIII will be pretty useful camera, the HDR and onboard lens correction and promised low light capability all look very useful if it works as advertised. Canon now have a gaping hole in the high pixel count area, we can see that and I am sure Canon can as well. The X and 5D look like solid upgrades but there is nothing must have in the line-up, Nikon look to be offering a more complete range as it stands. A low light performer and a high pixel camera. I think the 5D and X are a bit close together, why would anyone that does not make a living on Sport/press opt to spend the extra on the X.
If Nikon did not exist we would be much more excited about the new Canons, but Nikon do exist and are asking questions of us all looking to upgrade, add in the bad experiences of getting  the Canon things to focus and the "never heard of that problem before" response from the Canon service centres and you wonder about investing more money into the Canon line.
I'm like many others wondering what my clients will be thinking when a competitor starts dropping 36mp files on their desk when I send over the 22mp ones. I doubt for one minute they will get excited about lens correction etc when they go "Oh look how far I can zoom in on these ones.
Canon must have a wow factor camera lurking somewhere, or has their technology been leading up a dead end path and these are a result of the best we can do with what we have?
I've not crossed either Canon off my shopping list for good, but the Nikons look very tempting even with expense of buying new lenses.



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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #49 on: March 02, 2012, 10:23:37 am »

This announcement further supports a conclusion that arose with the 1Dx -- that Canon is stuck with an inferior sensor technology relative to the Sony Exmor design, which is incapable of going beyond about 22 or so MP without substantial degradation in performance due to read noise (and is a lot worse performer at its given pixel count, especially at low ISO).  If I weren't chained to an expensive lens collection, the choice between Canon and Nikon these days is crystal clear.  Interesting (and sad) that the clear leader when I started in digital photography was the other one, by an equally wide margin.

Same feeling here. :-( I'll wait a bit more for real samples and reviews before taking a decision, but this fits in the overal trend. Could be that Canon will be forced to buy sensors from a third party at some point in the future. And if the real focus of that camera is videographers, it's a bit strange that the form factor hasn't been modified somewhat.


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #50 on: March 02, 2012, 10:38:32 am »

So. If this is a full-frame 7D with some further enhancements? That's not so bad. Not so bad at all.

True! It's not so bad. But it would have been more impressive if the 5D3 were also a full-frame 7D in terms of pixel density/size, as the D800 appears to be an expanded D7000 sensor (2.25x16 = 36mp).

I was hoping the 5D3 would have a 46mp sensor (2.56x18) which would eliminate the 'long reach' advantage of their other cropped format cameras with regard to telephoto lenses.

I frequently carry two cameras for this reason. If you need a 640mm FoV, you'll get better results from a 400mm lens on the 7D than you will from the same lens on the 5D3.


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #51 on: March 02, 2012, 10:59:44 am »

fuji Xpro1
Nikon D4
Nikon D800/E
Canon 1DX
Canon 5D MarkIII

a lot of talk...
I am curious to see what real use of these cameras brings around..

Indeed. I'm especially curious to evaluate Canon's claim about the new 1DX sensor:
a newly developed Canon full-frame 18.1 Megapixel CMOS sensor that's designed from the ground up to create high resolution, perfectly detailed images with unprecedented speed and clarity.

. . . Canon is stuck with an inferior sensor technology relative to the Sony Exmor design . . .

Canon may have inferior sensor technology today, but they're in for the long haul. Their R&D department is one of the best in the world and if they're not pushing the envelope today, they will tomorrow.
~ CB


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #52 on: March 02, 2012, 11:17:54 am »

But it would have been more impressive if the 5D3 were also a full-frame 7D in terms of pixel density/size, as the D800 appears to be an expanded D7000 sensor (2.25x16 = 36mp).
<snip> If you need a 640mm FoV, you'll get better results from a 400mm lens on the 7D than you will from the same lens on the 5D3.

Yes, I agree, some part of me is still disappointed there aren't more pixels. I think Nikon hit a sweet set of compromises with the D800 *assuming* the quality holds up, and there's no reason to believe it won't. I look forward to the tests on both sensors.

But really, for the way I shoot and the size I print the world is a wonderful place packed with excellent camera choices.


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #53 on: March 02, 2012, 11:31:38 am »

And if the real focus of that camera is videographers, it's a bit strange that the form factor hasn't been modified somewhat.
That's the C300.

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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #54 on: March 02, 2012, 11:52:51 am »

I think the real winner here is eBay. Expect a deluge of Canon equipment there.

To those who say it's a great camera: perhaps... would have been a year or two ago.

To those who say it's a great video camera: why would I care!?


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #55 on: March 02, 2012, 01:03:57 pm »

From RG post

"...Canon has also evolved the sensor technology, reworking the internals of each pixel on the way to producing what is promised to be a considerably less noisy sensor than its predecessor (and the 5D Mark II was already pretty good in this respect). Westfall indicates that at moderate-to-high ISO sensitivities, the 5D Mark III has about a two-stop advantage over the 5D Mark II. As an example, he says, an ISO 3200 picture shot with the new model has roughly the dynamic range, noise and other characteristics of an ISO 800 picture shot with its predecessor.

He emphasizes that the bulk of the higher ISO image quality improvement comes from enhancements to the image sensor itself, as opposed to heavier-duty noise reduction being applied once the picture has been converted from analog to digital form. The only camera from Canon that will beat the image quality of the 5D Mark III at higher sensitivities, says Westfall, is the EOS-1D X..."

I am hoping... :-)

« Last Edit: March 02, 2012, 01:08:30 pm by jrsforums »


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #56 on: March 02, 2012, 01:07:05 pm »

Their R&D department is one of the best in the world
says who ?


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #57 on: March 02, 2012, 01:20:27 pm »

Interesting review from someone getting their hands on a pre-production model;

"Canon have made the anti-aliasing filter thinner to get higher quality - BUT - if you decide to put cheap lenses on this camera you may find them wanting"

Haven't seen that mentioned elsewhere.

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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #58 on: March 02, 2012, 01:24:49 pm »

Well, I guess I am in a category that makes the 5DIII a sort-of welcome camera for me.  I'm retired, and my shooting has been only to produce prints that I occasionally exhibit and sell.  I sprung for a camera and lenses that I could not really justify a number of years ago, and the camera was great for my purposes:  I bought a 1DMkII and filled the bag with Canon's 100-400 IS, 16-35 2.8, 500 f/4 IS, 15mm fisheye, 100mm 2.8 macro, and 28-135 IS (replaced with the Tamron 28-300 VR).  Oh, yeah, almost forgot the Canon 50mm f/2.

While I do mostly city and street shooting, I also use the 500mm for the occasional bird shot.  I also do panos and in high contrast settings I do HDR, using brackets of 3 or 5 shots.  Many of my shots are in buses and subways, Grand Central Terminal, churches, etc., so I valued the high (for that time, at least) ISO of 1600 and 3200.  With very careful use of 3rd party NR programs I've been able to denoise and keep sufficient detail for attractive prints in those cases.

The 1DII is on its 3rd shutter box after 2 very premature failures, and I would eventually have sprung for a 1DV or so when the 1DII finally gave up the ghost.  However, with Canon's announcement of the 1DX at roughly 1/3 more than the 1D series would cost, I knew that I could not justify the cost of a 1DX.  The Nikon D800 had me drooling, except for my substantial investment in Canon glass.  The 36mp also would mean that despite the drop of my 1.3 crop factor, I would be able to get the same bird pix and have enough pixels to crop and bring the bird to the same size in the resultant frame.

Now, with the announcement of the 5DIII, I have a reasonable replacement for the old 1DII when it dies.  While I wish it were a 36mp camera, the 5DIII's 22mp full frame will still allow some cropping.  From viewing samples at high ISO, I see that I could use the 5DIII at much higher ISO than I can use the 1DII for my frequent low light shooting.

I am very pleased to see bracketing of up to +/- 3 EV, and using 2, 3, 5 or 7 frames, which makes the 5DIII very useable for my HDR shooting.  I am sure, also, that the AF and exposure capabilities of the 5DIII are far superior to my long-in-the-tooth 1DII, and I will be glad to use 14 bit depth color.

Not pleasing is the $3500 price, a full $1000 more than the 5DII's.  Nor is the $495 price I saw on the vertical grip, almost a necessity for me as I have big hands, big lenses and like the added support the grip gives me, not to mention the convenience of the extra controls for vertical shooting.

All in all, though, I'm relieved to have the 5DIII arrive for when the 1DII finally croaks.


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Re: Canon 5D Mark III official...
« Reply #59 on: March 02, 2012, 01:36:13 pm »

I just love it how Ken Rockwell phrased it: "The Canon EOS 5D Mark III is the best digital SLR ever made... by Canon." (emphasis mine)
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