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Author Topic: Hacked GH2  (Read 60176 times)


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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2012, 05:31:28 am »

I'd like to share this link I discovered by accident:   (I have nothing to do with those persons)

It's interesting because you see the GH2 in indy filmaking with a very light configuration.

The cameraman set-up is ultra cheap but IMO efficient.

I'm going to watch carefully how Recuenco evolves in its workflow and how much he embrasses lighter equipments.


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Bern Caughey

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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #42 on: January 16, 2012, 01:46:34 am »


You might want to have a look at the new "Thirty" patch.

I just hacked my GH2 with this patch, & will be testing it as soon as I can score SanDisk's Extreme Pro 64GB SDXC cards.

What finally interests me in this version is stable 60 fps. Couldn't give that up just for higher bit rate 24 fps.

It will be interesting if my B-Roll camera's footage outshines my A cam's. The real test would be to attach a recorder to the AF100, & compare.


PS Note there are two different patches in the first post. I used the "EXTREME 60 VARIATION".


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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #43 on: January 17, 2012, 01:21:25 pm »

What worries me about this, is how long it's operative before it crashes...

(sounds crap doesn't it?)

I need to do a serious testing on set with the 100 mb/s hacked unit, and I'll do it soon in a fashion work (and report here), but I'll have to secure that with other gear because I don't trust for the moment
the SD cards, although Extreme ScanDisk.

the 60mb/s seems totally secure but those above I don't know. The one Bloom is using is not reliable to date according to him.

So I'm very much in favor of the hack but at the condition that it allows us to work seriously. Is 170 mb/s usefull if it crashes every 5 minutes?

There is a point I don't get: everybody seems amazed by the heavy hacks output, and it's well deserve because, hey, details are better than with much more expensive pro gear...but learn that it crashes every 5 minutes and nobody seems to care about it. All they see is IQ IQ, as always. It's pretty much useless to me then if unstable.

Also, everybody is talking about the 95 MB/s ScanDisk Extreme, but if I'm correct, the UHS-I is only compatible with the latest dslrs like the Nikons and not with the gh2, wich is not prepared for taking advantage of it's full potential. I'd really like to have more reliable infos on that precise card model, but from people who are actually using then on assignements and not to do personal youtube videos. It seems that many people are buying them but it's a known fact that there are issues with this model on the GH2.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 01:43:58 pm by fredjeang »

Bern Caughey

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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #44 on: January 18, 2012, 03:12:47 am »

Just received a 95 MB/s, & will put the combo through stress tests.

The same test caused the 24P 100 bit I-frame to not span the Sandisk 45MB/s, but the footage was fine, recording for about 4 minutes before shutting down. As I only use the GH2 for B-Roll this time limit is fine, but the 720/60 failed on the "death chart", & required pulling the battery.

If I have any issues on the fast card the hack will be erased.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 03:27:20 am by Bern Caughey »


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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #45 on: January 18, 2012, 10:13:54 am »

I suspect then that you used a UHS-I model with the 100 MB/s

try with this:

It's downgrading but in fact with the GH2 you shouldn't crash with this model.

(with this model and the 100 MB hack, I don't have crash and it records till the card is full)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 10:15:25 am by fredjeang »

Bern Caughey

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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #46 on: January 18, 2012, 01:07:25 pm »


The Hackologists state the best card for this flavor is the fastest Sandisk. I have on of the card you recommend, & will test it eventually, but not until after Sundance.

I'm shooting a light test, & a short stop-motion movie today. Due to the leisurely schedule I hope to pull some hack tests too.

In preparation I've put the hack thru "PappasArts CODEC test Chart V.2", aka the "Death Chart". All tests were done with the Lumix 14-140mm lens, which further stresses the camera due to software corrections for distortion. While a bit rushed, & not comprehensive, here's what I'm getting.

Spanned files do not play back in camera, but the footage is fine. Unspanned files play back fine.

24L spans fine, & I shut it down after 15 minutes. After rewrapping the footage Quicktime reports it running at 110 MB/s.

24H also shows 110 MB/s, so perhaps Quicktime isn't the best diagnostic app. I'll have my editor transcode some footage to see what's up.

As expected 720P in SH the camera locked up after a couple of minutes, & required pulling the battery, but so did the lower H mode. In these cases the footage is lost.

No real world shooting stresses the CODEC as much the "Death Chart" so maybe the hacks OK, but I'll need to do much more testing before I trust this mode.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 02:24:27 am by Bern Caughey »


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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #47 on: January 20, 2012, 06:10:39 am »

The 100 mb/s hack is still too big in terms of file size for my taste.

I just checked it this morn and it's exactly the 1/2 of an equivalent time recorded on a 4K Red One camera raw file...and it's not a Red one camera raw file.

I don't notice a significant advantage compared to the Vanilla Hack.

I will downgrade this hack to the Vanilla to balance the equation: quality-file size-stability-hassle free. (and the Vanilla is good for anamorphic).

In the end, I come to the conclusion that all this hack folies, with 400% magnification tests to verify how good the details are etc..., is a waste of time. The GH2 is not a pro grade camera. It's a fantastic tool and an incredible bang-for-the buck, truly usable for delivering top imagery, but...let's put things in their context. The output file without the hack of the GH2 is already superior to the 5D2 in many aspects. It's great to get it hacked without the shade of a doubt, but I'm staying with something super stable within a compromise. All the rest seems to me a pure pixel masturbation. Tomorrow they will do a 300mb/s hack that would record the atoms of a leave...2 secs before crash...

It was good and usefull, all the process of hacking, but now for me, the time spent to try to enhace-boost a camera of the GH2's class is over. I'm off this thread.  

Cheers and thanks to all for your imputs.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 01:04:01 pm by fredjeang »


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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #48 on: January 20, 2012, 04:34:27 pm »

Fred, you are right.
However, there is one hack called "Sanity" ... for a reason.
It's 66Mbits at 24H, Auto Quantizer set to 4 (priority to details).
FSH (60i/50i high setting) is set to 36Mbits (in my modified hack - the original hack was 44M, but it was not stable).
At 24H the footage is virtually indiscernible from Driftwoods 150Mbits hacks (except maybe with some special motion where Driftwoods Intra/GOP1 hacks shine).
According to the hack's creator it also comes very close to uncompressed HDMI recording.
At FSH/50i (and 60i) it's by far the best of all the hacks I've tested. Supposedly it also delivers the best quality at 720p (I don't use 720p, so I don't know).
"Sanity" runs stable even on my old Class 6 SD cards. In camera playback works fine in all modes. It never crashed on my camera.
It's my "allround" patch (only for some special applications for 24H only I load one of Driftwood's Intra patches with a higher Mbit setting).
You'll find my modified hack attached.
The original hack is here:



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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #49 on: January 20, 2012, 06:02:45 pm »

Fred, you are right.
However, there is one hack called "Sanity" ... for a reason.
It's 66Mbits at 24H, Auto Quantizer set to 4 (priority to details).
FSH (60i/50i high setting) is set to 36Mbits (in my modified hack - the original hack was 44M, but it was not stable).
At 24H the footage is virtually indiscernible from Driftwoods 150Mbits hacks (except maybe with some special motion where Driftwoods Intra/GOP1 hacks shine).
According to the hack's creator it also comes very close to uncompressed HDMI recording.
At FSH/50i (and 60i) it's by far the best of all the hacks I've tested. Supposedly it also delivers the best quality at 720p (I don't use 720p, so I don't know).
"Sanity" runs stable even on my old Class 6 SD cards. In camera playback works fine in all modes. It never crashed on my camera.
It's my "allround" patch (only for some special applications for 24H only I load one of Driftwood's Intra patches with a higher Mbit setting).
You'll find my modified hack attached.
The original hack is here:

That sounds good.

Thanks for sharing it tho_mas.  ;)

I downloaded it and keep it warm.

Best regards.

Bern Caughey

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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #50 on: January 26, 2012, 08:27:12 pm »

Did some non-realworld chart testing of Sage's "NINE v9b" patch that was posted on 1/24/2012. In each test I got the exact same results, & it didn't matter whether the lens had software correction for distortion. Or whether ETC, or OIS, was enabled.

CAMERA: Early model NTSC GH2. Was previously hacked, then overwritten with Panasonic's Firmware 1.1
BATTERY: Panasonic OEM
SCENE FILE: Smooth, all sliders @ -2.
ISO: 800
SHUTTER: 1/60th for 24p, & 1/125th for 720p/60
CARD: Sandisk 64Gb 95MB/s SDXC. Formatted between tests.
TARGET: PappasArts Codec Test Chart V.2 in 1080P on a 50" Samsung Plasma via a MacMini.

-Panasonic Lumix 7-14mm f/4
-Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 12 mm f/2.0
-Panasonic Lumix 20mm f/1.7 Aspheric G- Series
-Voigtländer Nokton 25mm f/0.95
-Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 45mm f/1.8
-Panasonic Lumix G Vario HD 14-140mm f/4.0-5.8 ASPH./MEGA O.I.S.

24 H = Spanned, but no playback on spanned files.
24 L = Same as 24 H.
SH = Did not span, but footage is fine.
H = Spanned, & played back in-camera.

Impressive. As I only use the GH2 for B-Roll footage, & stills, these limitations are very workable.

Next up real world tests. And later my other m4/3, & 4/3 lenses.


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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #51 on: January 27, 2012, 06:37:45 am »

I have an interesting report about the GH2

The other day I went to see a high-end photographer wich I work sometimes with. He showed me some making-of stills of cine-video guys from the old school, 50 and above years old foxes, very experienced people that work with Arri Alexa and have a successfull production house (campaigns withy big brands).

They have integrated the GH2 on set, and not only as a C or D camera. I was slightly surprised to see the GH2 ocupate a relevant place. Even more surprise was that the making-of pics revealed that some operators where also using Canons and the accessories where on the light and cheap ones line.

That was the signal for me to do an enquiery. In fact, the gh2 in question is slightly hacked to 36. The fact is that the GH2 needs very very accurate exposure and sophisticate lightning. In controled conditions, it can deliver absolutly stunning files truly usable in the high-end production at a very low cost per-hour. And those guys know how to control conditions.

The GH2, it's a paradox, needs very experienced operators while the Alexa forgives much more. (and frankly, the menus of the Alexa are a sweet brize compared to the messy GH2...)

As long as you don't stress the files with heavy grading on post and the base exposure is really well done it's incredible.

They mount their expensive PL lenses on it as they do with their Alexas and use light rods-supports and I even saw a 100 euros light stabilizer I wanted to buy some times ago in e-bay...and the fact is that it works, ocupates nothing and goes in any crazy angle.

I couldn't beleive that from old cine-video foxes, still currently active, but that's what is happening and they have fun like babies with their little toys with them.

I tend to not consider those light gear as "rescued" camera anymore and it conforts me in the sensation I have that we are going inevitably to smaller and lighter equipment, and I think that even Red is very aware of that. In the right hands those Panas, Canons etc can deliver the appropriate results at an unbeatable cost-hour and they are starting to invade the high-end and experienced film makers sets.

What yes I saw that the money was still there, was in talents, lightning and crew. In other words, they don't hesitate to "downgrade cameras" but they don't mess with light, crew and talents.

It's all logical in fact.

So to me, the hack is interesting to boost to some extend a camera, but both the GH2, the Nikon D4 and new Canons generations can actually deliver stunning results as it, without hack, it's just a matter of who use them and where the budget goes.

Now, I've read sometimes about the hacked GH2, sentences like "the Epic killer"...this is not serious either.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 07:39:57 am by fredjeang »


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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #52 on: January 27, 2012, 10:54:59 am »

A motion-still from home, gh2 footage in almost absolute dark, at 12800 isos at 1.2 aperture, shutter 1/50.

It's dirty like hell but the grain in B & W would be exploitable IMO.

Not bad at all, considering that it is with ETC enabled wich is way more moisy at higher isos. A normal 12800 isos is cleaner.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 09:11:19 am by fredjeang »

Bern Caughey

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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #53 on: January 27, 2012, 01:39:13 pm »

However, there is one hack called "Sanity" ... for a reason.

There's a new kid in town that seems reasonable for most uses, but I haven't put it though it's paces yet. It comes from a Dolby engineer that goes by lpowell.

He claims stability on all Class 10 cards, & all lenses. He also explains the hack in detail in language we can all understand. It's a worthwhile read.

I've followed, & corresponded with, lpowell for a long time, & have faith in him, so will test his patch soon.


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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #54 on: February 10, 2012, 05:22:12 am »

Bern, after the banding issue on the GH2 I decided to keep it anyway as an experimental-training tool in wich it can shine.

I gave a last chance on the hack saga with this Ipowell one. It's very good indeed. The one I prefer among all I've been testing.
However the customized Tho_mas is IMO better for 720.(just a subjective appreciation of course)

The ideal would be a customized hack of the both, the Ipowell for 1080 and the Tho_mas for 720. Easy to do in the program.

Now I stick with this one.

Thanks for the link.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 05:24:15 am by fredjeang »

Tim Jones

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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #55 on: February 10, 2012, 12:08:54 pm »

I'm  stoked on this camera. It's so easy to shoot with and i like the look. I shot this with Leicas, Voightlander 4/3 25 0.95,12mm 5.6, and a canon MKIV w.80-200is (some of the bike from the car that are steady).
Its almost like shooting with a Gopro . I shot this in an hour this week by myself.
Just random footage dropped into timeline in FCX . But, i dont think i would shoot it on a real job....



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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #56 on: February 10, 2012, 12:25:46 pm »

... i dont think i would shoot it on a real job....

that's the real disappointment. I came to the same conclusion too after a few time with it. I really loved the form factor. There are so many good things to like about this camera, but it's ruined by some issues, uncurable.

A pitty. It could have been a great tool.

Bern Caughey

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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #57 on: February 21, 2012, 11:14:55 am »

GH2's recent firmware update (1.1), which added higher bitrate 25p, & 30p, plus improved still's functions, has been hacked.

Below is a link to lpowell's patch.


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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #58 on: February 21, 2012, 12:00:49 pm »

One thing about the update is very promising: with the new PTools version 3.64d (for Firmware 1.1) you can change the encoding matrix.
Some hack developers are already working on "softer" matrixes to avoid banding.

Bern Caughey

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Re: Hacked GH2
« Reply #59 on: June 03, 2012, 12:37:32 pm »

lpowell has updated his "Flow Motion" patch for the hacked GH2 to version 2.0.!
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