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Author Topic: RED WORKFLOW  (Read 19684 times)


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« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2011, 11:40:56 am »

LoL.... nah, Fred.  It's just that FCP XML has become the standard.  Premier NOW exports FCP XML V5, so Resolve can now read it's EDL's (XML) directly.  You don't need FCP.

Mixed footage?  I try not to shoot it.  I guess I would do a transcode to ProRes on those...  Premier / Resolve handle the mixed sizes nicely regardless of project size.  If you WERE bringing in 2k, I would assume you plan to finish in 2k (or HD) and so everything would get rendered down in the end.


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« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2011, 11:58:07 am »

No need FCP any more to enter Resolve? that's a good news indeed!

This is a really straighforward workflow, no doubt.

I'm starting to feel the dark side of the force invading me in a subtle form of friendly jalousy. Why bloody Resolve is not going PC?

Kidding, glad you found a workflow that is indeed friendly-user being powerfull.

Adobe did it well.

Ps: i don't know the latest versions of Premiere. About the 2K, what happens in Avid is that you ingest the native raws in the timeline and Avid automatically motion and size-adapt to 2K but it's the original raws.
Premiere should have something like this in the case you have a HD project so you don't have any transcode to do anyway. To be verified.

Ps2: my workflow has become a complete mess. I go from one editor to another according to their specs and still haven't found the grail. In fact, I think I'll grade everything in Nuke. Why not after all? If the Foundry really does what they plan in their beta testings to add a true timeline in Nuke, I abandon immediatly any NLE and just work in Nuke, but this is for this winter.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 12:10:36 pm by fredjeang »


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« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2011, 12:12:21 pm »

Oh, by the way... one more bit of news.

Resolve is coming to PC

Announced at IBC




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« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2011, 12:19:20 pm »

Yeah !  :)

Chris, you made my day.



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« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2011, 07:36:35 pm »

There has been an update on the RCX PRO when I opened it yesterday. I installed it and I can't see what improved. (build 3 Beta).


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« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2011, 08:33:57 pm »

Oui!  ça s'est plus awesome!

Sorry.  I've been in Canada all week.


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« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2011, 02:35:53 pm »

And another one! #4.

I like  !


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« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2011, 01:25:43 pm »

I think I should remove this thread, no? I realise that it is useless because there are not enough people using Red here to make it lively, then the infos are vastly discussed in RedUsers forum and a generalist thread without sub-sections doesn't work.

I plan to remove it soon, if you'd prefer this thread to exist and keep it, let me know.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2011, 01:27:30 pm by fredjeang »

Christopher Sanderson

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« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2011, 01:38:55 pm »

There may not be many users but readers there are! Keep it here if you would!


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« Reply #29 on: October 31, 2011, 01:40:55 pm »

Ok. Do not remove.


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« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2011, 05:57:21 am »

Yeh, please keep the Red Threads! I've been lurking, considering stepping up to a Scarlet to go along with my Hasselblad, and hearing the experiences of people who have gone that route is very helpful, even if I haven't got much to contribute yet!

Cheers, Hywel

Thomas Editions

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« Reply #31 on: April 06, 2012, 05:13:25 am »

If anyone needs a bit of help with RED Workflow, I may be able to help.

Von Thomas
Printmeister, Thomas Editions Fine Art Prints

Robert Moore

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« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2012, 09:03:07 am »


Nice to see you here. I just read your Creative Cow workflow post.

I may need a bit of help...R1 to EPIC has really messed with my
previous workflow...not that it was stellar.

I may get around to some specific questions in a few days if my
search on REDUser fails to clarify a couple of problems.

Bob Moore


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« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2012, 03:14:48 am »

Let me see if I got it.
I can't picture what is the gain on that workflow.  :o


Everybody has a different workflow in this brave, or should I see scary new world of convergence.

Once you break it all down, the ol' ways probably are the best. 1.  Work in proxies (one lights)  from one or multiple cameras, edit for story, title for effect, then once to finish go outside (whether really outside like a 3rd party colorists) or outside by switching computer suites while changing  from your editor to colorist hat . . .   something similar to the way it's always been done.

From artists the come from a stills background where photoshop is pretty much the tool of choice for finish out, stepping into the motion world where finish out is a long list of operating systems, accelerators cards, original file format, delivery format, etc, stills are easy by comparison

Imagine a Phase or Canon file that can only be seen on a peecee, or only work at real time speed if you bought a Canon Rocket card for your computer that costs $5,000.   People would scream.

Anyway, whatever any of us say our workflow is today, I can promise you with motion it will change tomorrow, depending on who edits it, views it, where it's scheduled to play, either vimeo or cinemax and how big the project is.

Now whatever I say today, or use today, I have zero doubt it won't change, because projects, equipment, software and computer hardware are just starting that information/disinformation path that digital stills went through a decade ago.

People are already pixel peeping a 2k file from three Sony's, 4 Canons, two reds, 2 panasonics, 4 lenses, etc. etc.,  and viewing them on little vimeo videos and saying see, that _______ really holds up but in the world of motion, just like in the world of stills, if the post production money is really there (and in motion really there goes from 10 grand to 100 grand) you can make cell phone footage look pretty good.

I remember a time when adobe products like photoshop could only see a Canon file with an update, a Nikon file was virtually boycotted, a Hasselblad file took al alchemist to figure out, where today, all will work in a photoshop product with ease.

That's kind of where we are now with motion.    

7 years ago I had a still photographer friend that was talking about monitor calibration and he said, "it's the wild, wild west".  Imagine today if he moved to motion and I told him, sure you can buy a Canon or Sony, but you need a box that hooks to the camera to shoot a full rez file and oh, btw: that quicktime wrapper things is kind of funny because what it looks like in quicktime is going to be 50% more conrasty in FCP and btw if you want to edit in Edius you'll need to buy a peecee, if you want to process your red files out in less than 45 days, they make this rocket thing that only cost $5,000.

In fact the answer to workflow is this.  1.  How much time do you have?   2.  How much money do you have?  3.  How many times did we agree to edit this thing?  4.  How much money did you say you had again?

Our studios also has  di-vinci, though I prefer working at the moment  the outdated and dead in suite called Apple Color because for me it makes sense in time and speed.  For others, not mac inclined it would be a stumbling block.

Also most everything is limited to 2k output and honestly I guess we'll have 4k viewing but I don't know if I really want to see an aging late night talk show host in full 4k glory ten minutes before I go to bed.

In fact I was told by one of our El Lay makeup artists that Hollywood Celebs are hiring MUA's before they go out for the day at the gym, shopping or Yoga, because if anyone catches them in high def video, it sometimes isn't that pretty.  At least with stills the publicist can track down the magazine and say, " you gotta retouch her nose and fix those circles under the eyes before running the image in "gossip is us".



P.S.  If your going to work in video/film/whatever moving pictures, learn to negotiate differently.  You don't call and say ok a 3 day rental is really a week, (you put it our for bids) and don't say, don't worry about overages, we'll bury it somewhere, because it don't work like that.  Learn that you negotiate depending on budget and learn to be a producer, if your a one man band or a staff of 50.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 03:49:02 am by bcooter »


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« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2012, 04:02:46 am »

Forget Christmas!  My birthday is next week and I've got a number of fun things coming from the Red Store  ;)

CB since I'm in Moscow I may be a little goofy from Jet lag so take this with a sense of humor.

OK it's time for an intervention if:

1.  Everytime Mr. Jannard buys a new island you go onto RED user and say "way to go Jim, your the man".

2.  Everytime you unwrap a $250 4 inch cable you've waited 6 months for, you say to your self, "wow, I really needed this".

3.  If your on one of RED's 12 different undisclosed lists on who gets what equipment first, if you pay retail and if you buy the hand built version rather than the full release version of the camera and if you have grown familiar the the phrase, "everything will change".

4.  You have a RED hat, T-shirt, lens case, logo on your car's bumper, or you know the term "RED U CCATION"  like that really is a vacation instead of going to aruba or something.

5.  If a $32,000 lens seems like a bargain to you.

6.  If you actually do know the difference between 48mhz sound and 41 mhz sound.

7.  If you've ever uttered the phrase "Jim Your the man, oh man, you really are the man . . .man oh man your the man".

8.  If you believe that $50,000 for a camera body is a steal of a deal.

9.  If you carry a photo of the RED EPIC in your wallet.

10.  If you have three different sound technicians on speed dial.

11.  If you've ever had the urge to buy a fisher dolly, that costs more than a Range Rover and you secretly go to bed each night dreaming of steadicam vests.

12.  If you've ever carried a wheelchair on set, scrunched yourself up into a ball  and mounted 18 pounds of equipment on your shoulder because that one inset is really going to make the show. (if you know what a slipped disk is).

13.  If you've ever permitted 1/2 a block in LA, just so you can park a generator and you told the EDIC (film LA) that "NO, NO, this isn't a film shoot, it's a still shoot with some behind the scenes footage".

14.  If you have ever gone onto RED User and you know the first names of 4 RED Users.

15.  If you have your RED Rep's phone number on speed dial.

16.  If you've every yelled "quiet on set" even though your shooting MOS.  If your shooting with a Hasselblad and you yell, "quiet on set".

17.  If you know what MOS means.

18.  If your spouse races to the front door everytime the doorbell rings and refuses any delivery with the Hell's Angles skull and cross bones logo on it.

19.  If an Art Director has ever said "hey that's really cool, can we have  . . . you know . . . just 32 to 45 small clips of what we shot today online tonight in WMV and Quicktime so the client's client, client can look at them.  Don't go to any real effort just make sure the cool vignette effect is there and the face's all match in color, you know . . . warm and glowing and btw; can you edit jus the first 10 minutes of the video?"

20.  If your at a family reunion and your cousin asks what do you do and you Answer "uh filmaker, photographer" and they say cool "have you ever met Tom Hanks or that funny guy that's always on Letterman.

If you answer yes to more than 4 of the above, we'll call your family and arrange for those big  guys in the white van and double layer straight jackets to take you to Canyon Ranch for two weeks of RED detox.
They'll feed you hamburgers and hot dogs, take you to the park, teach you how to drive a car again and show you a slide show of still images.




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« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2012, 06:04:03 am »

CB since I'm in Moscow I may be a little goofy from Jet lag so take this with a sense of humor.

OK it's time for an intervention if:

1.  Everytime Mr. Jannard buys a new island you go onto RED user and say "way to go Jim, your the man".

2.  Everytime you unwrap a $250 4 inch cable you've waited 6 months for, you say to your self, "wow, I really needed this".

3.  If your on one of RED's 12 different undisclosed lists on who gets what equipment first, if you pay retail and if you buy the hand built version rather than the full release version of the camera and if you have grown familiar the the phrase, "everything will change".

4.  You have a RED hat, T-shirt, lens case, logo on your car's bumper, or you know the term "RED U CCATION"  like that really is a vacation instead of going to aruba or something.

5.  If a $32,000 lens seems like a bargain to you.

6.  If you actually do know the difference between 48mhz sound and 41 mhz sound.

7.  If you've ever uttered the phrase "Jim Your the man, oh man, you really are the man . . .man oh man your the man".

8.  If you believe that $50,000 for a camera body is a steal of a deal.

9.  If you carry a photo of the RED EPIC in your wallet.

10.  If you have three different sound technicians on speed dial.

11.  If you've ever had the urge to buy a fisher dolly, that costs more than a Range Rover and you secretly go to bed each night dreaming of steadicam vests.

12.  If you've ever carried a wheelchair on set, scrunched yourself up into a ball  and mounted 18 pounds of equipment on your shoulder because that one inset is really going to make the show. (if you know what a slipped disk is).

13.  If you've ever permitted 1/2 a block in LA, just so you can park a generator and you told the EDIC (film LA) that "NO, NO, this isn't a film shoot, it's a still shoot with some behind the scenes footage".

14.  If you have ever gone onto RED User and you know the first names of 4 RED Users.

15.  If you have your RED Rep's phone number on speed dial.

16.  If you've every yelled "quiet on set" even though your shooting MOS.  If your shooting with a Hasselblad and you yell, "quiet on set".

17.  If you know what MOS means.

18.  If your spouse races to the front door everytime the doorbell rings and refuses any delivery with the Hell's Angles skull and cross bones logo on it.

19.  If an Art Director has ever said "hey that's really cool, can we have  . . . you know . . . just 32 to 45 small clips of what we shot today online tonight in WMV and Quicktime so the client's client, client can look at them.  Don't go to any real effort just make sure the cool vignette effect is there and the face's all match in color, you know . . . warm and glowing and btw; can you edit jus the first 10 minutes of the video?"

20.  If your at a family reunion and your cousin asks what do you do and you Answer "uh filmaker, photographer" and they say cool "have you ever met Tom Hanks or that funny guy that's always on Letterman.

If you answer yes to more than 4 of the above, we'll call your family and arrange for those big  guys in the white van and double layer straight jackets to take you to Canyon Ranch for two weeks of RED detox.
They'll feed you hamburgers and hot dogs, take you to the park, teach you how to drive a car again and show you a slide show of still images.



eh, not only Chris.

The other day I found myself looking for an Arri hat in ebay...

I had in mind that it could attract an Alexa...

It is the sad truth.

Then I said: Fred, you really need a serious talk to yourself, wich I didn't of course.

There was no Arri hat on sale. Too bad...



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« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2012, 11:47:47 am »

BC, enjoyed your post and have a great time in Moscow!

If you have time (I know you won't :), go see the movie I shot, "8 First Dates" / "8 первых свиданий". It should still be in a few theaters....and was shot with the Red1MX!

I even did the color post myself, to keep this on topic :D
Bruce Alan Greene

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« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2012, 06:49:41 pm »


Nice to see you here. I just read your Creative Cow workflow post.

I may need a bit of help...R1 to EPIC has really messed with my
previous workflow...not that it was stellar.

I may get around to some specific questions in a few days if my
search on REDUser fails to clarify a couple of problems.

Bob Moore


I'll try to answer any and all RED related questions.

Von Thomas
Printmeister, Thomas Editions Fine Art Prints

Thomas Editions

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« Reply #38 on: April 09, 2012, 07:11:30 pm »

OK it's time for an intervention if:

4.  You have a RED hat, T-shirt, lens case, logo on your car's bumper, or you know the term "RED U CCATION"  like that really is a vacation instead of going to aruba or something.

6.  If you actually do know the difference between 48mhz sound and 41 mhz sound.

8.  If you believe that $50,000 for a camera body is a steal of a deal.

10.  If you have three different sound technicians on speed dial.

11.  If you've ever had the urge to buy a fisher dolly, that costs more than a Range Rover and you secretly go to bed each night dreaming of steadicam vests.

12.  If you've ever carried a wheelchair on set, scrunched yourself up into a ball  and mounted 18 (actually 35 pounds) pounds of equipment on your shoulder because that one inset is really going to make the show. (if you know what a slipped disk is).

13.  If you've ever permitted 1/2 a block in LA, just so you can park a generator and you told the EDIC (film LA) that "NO, NO, this isn't a film shoot, it's a still shoot with some behind the scenes footage".

14.  If you have ever gone onto RED User and you know the first names of 4 RED Users. (maybe 24 - 40 users)

15.  If you have your RED Rep's phone number on speed dial.

17.  If you know what MOS means.

19.  If an Art Director has ever said "hey that's really cool, can we have  . . . you know . . . just 32 to 45 small clips of what we shot today online tonight in WMV and Quicktime so the client's client, client can look at them.  Don't go to any real effort just make sure the cool vignette effect is there and the face's all match in color, you know . . . warm and glowing and btw; can you edit jus the first 10 minutes of the video?"  (Cloud dailies)

If you answer yes to more than 4 of the above, we'll call your family and arrange for those big  guys in the white van and double layer straight jackets to take you to Canyon Ranch for two weeks of RED detox.
They'll feed you hamburgers and hot dogs, take you to the park, teach you how to drive a car again and show you a slide show of still images.



So what are you saying?????   LOL
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 07:13:38 pm by digitaltechnyc »
Von Thomas
Printmeister, Thomas Editions Fine Art Prints


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« Reply #39 on: April 10, 2012, 12:29:27 am »

OK Von,

We've called Canyon Ranch.  You're booked in for two weeks, but hey you'll go in class.  The Van has a big RED logo on it so everybody in the neighborhood will think you're going to work.

Nobody will ever know that that'll teach you how to drive again, watch TV, go out to dinner. :)


« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 01:04:39 am by bcooter »
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