I know i have heard this lens is good--- faster AF and better handling and balance compared to the 50-110 but I was wondering if anyone has done some reasonably careful side by side comparisons in terms of optical quality. I know the lens is more readily available but have only seen a few examples here and there.
Specific questions:
1) How does it compare to the 35mm, 50mm, 80mm HC primes at minimum, optimal, and max apertures?
2) How does it compare to the 50-110mm HC zoom -- same question.
3) Edge performance?
3) How does handling with the camera with the lens compare to the primes while shooting without a tripod?
In my opinion, the 50mm HC was my least favorite HC lens in terms of performance. In fact, I always felt my zoom out performed this prime.
It´s a very good lens actually even though I had it replaced after my first shoot due to a malfunctioning shutter. The new lens has worked flawlessly so far. I decided to keep the 50-110 as a back-up just in case and sold my 35 as I would no longer need it. This is my observations so far.
1. This is a very sharp lens. Looks good wide open with optimal performance at f-8 to f-11. Start to lose quality past f-16. I have not seen a difference between the 35 or 80 compared to the zoom.
2. It´s a better lens in every aspect. Better balanced, considerable lighter weight, sharper/more detailed glass and faster and more accurate focus. Feels almost like you´re shooting with a new camera:)
3. Edge performance is very good. No real artifacts or funky effects in the corners.
4. Easier to handhold than the 55-110 but either a monopod or tripod is recommended as it is a long lens..
5. My favorite lens when shooting 35mm digital is Canons 24-70. I always wished that I could get a similar "feel" when shooting medium format. The first time I used the new 35-90 it felt like a deja-vu. A very organic feeling with the 35-90 that I really never had before when shooting with the Hasselblad and the 50-110.
This glass costs a lot of money. But if I could only pick one lens this would be the one. As always you should try before you buy and make up your own mind. Good luck!
Best, Per