Five Alarm News Alert:
In late breaking news, CNN is reporting that the New York Times has found out that Trump has been doing business in China, has a bank account in China, and has paid taxes in China. Even his lawyer admits it. So Trump has been conspiring with the Chinese Communist Party all along. Tariffs my ass. He may even have been sexually abusing underage Chinese girls too. Just because I haven't seen a story in the media about it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I mean haven't you ever heard about black swans?* The whole thing looks like an open and shut case to me. Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! have to admit I was doubtful, but this apeshit frenzy stuff is everything it is cracked up to be, particularly after taking a couple of those kava energy pills Alex Jones has been talking about. No more mild-mannered Shoeshine Boy for me.
* Just in case you didn't really pay all that much attention in your college philosophy course, perhaps because the only reason you signed up for it in the first place was to fulfill one of your elective requirements, I'll tell you about it. You see, for thousands of years, everyone, including the scientists and philosophers, believed that all swans were white, because no one had ever seen a swan that wasn't white. Then this explorer went to Australia or somewhere, and lo and behold, he saw a black swan. So he took a photograph of it, and sailed back to wherever he came from, and showed the photograph of the black swan to all of the royal science and philosophy societies, and everyone said well what do you know all swans aren't white. At least that's what everyone believed for a little while. Now some people, let's call them black swan deniers, believe that all swans are white again, because they are convinced that the explorer guy's photograph of the black swan was photoshopped. There are some interesting parallels to the whole climate change thing, but I really don't feel like going into it right now.