I hope everyone is doing well wherever you are with everything that is going on worldwide.
As you may recall about a month ago Digital Transitions began its
Project Lemonade Webinar series to provide our community with something to help pass the time and as a side benefit of it was learning and also 'virtually socializing' with others that enjoy similar interests.
We are happy to report that the response has been overwhelming excellent and we have a upcoming roster of additional webinars that are scheduled through May so far and all of our past ones are available to review at your connivence.
Stay safe and well everyone.
Partial Listing of Upcoming Webinars:Friday April, 17
SPECIAL GUEST: Jeffrey Totaro – Architectural Capture One Workflow (including reasons he has been using Phase One since 2003)In this webinar, architectural photographer Jeffrey Totaro will explain how he sets up Capture One for tethered capture on location and also for final editing in the studio. He will review many of the customization features for the Capture One interface and which to use on location vs in the studio. Jeffrey will then show you several of Capture One’s most useful tools for architectural photography including Keystone, Color Editor and Normalize. Jeffrey has been a Phase One and Capture One user since 2004.
Tuesday April, 21
20 Tips for Capture One 20Tuesday April, 28
SPECIAL GUEST: Lau Nogaard (Phase One) Past, Present, & Future of Phase OneAs the Chief Visionary Officer for Phase One, Lau will cover three behind the scenes stories that help explain how Phase One sees itself, how it deals with both success and failure, and where it sees photography going. These three stories all share a theme of creative destruction, of revolutionary, rather than incremental, improvements.
o The IQ1: Throwing out a Decade of Work: Until recently, every Phase One back from shared one platform; then suddenly, with the Phase One IQ1 all of that design and code was thrown aside and an entirely new platform developed from scratch. Why did Phase One do that? What benefits did it provide and what challenges did it impose?
o The XF, Building a Body from the Ground Up: After years of using incrementally improved Mamiya bodies, Phase One leapt into making it's own modern body from the ground up. Lau will pull back the curtain on why that decision was made, the challenges along the way, and why he thinks it was all worth it.
o The Infinity Platform: The IQ3 100mp was the most successful product Phase One had ever shipped (up to that point). So why did Phase One can the entire platform, and opt to start from a blank sheet of paper to create the IQ4? What are the upsides and downsides of that decision, and how is Phase One grappling with the challenges of, yet again, starting from scratch?
SPECIAL GUEST: PHASE ONE’S LAU NØRGAARD– MAXIMIZING DYNAMIC RANGESPECIAL GUEST: NatGeo’s Julie McVey – Film Digitization and ICC Profiles: Imaging Kodachrome and EktachromeSPECIAL GUEST: Keith Major – Lens Selection for Beauty PhotographyWorkflow Secrets from a Capture One MasterCreating ICC Profiles with Color Targets