Interesting that the topic is somewhat mute IMO given that "Landscape Photography" has specific connotations (many explained in this thread) and the word static comes from science and has altogether different connotations (stasis, kinetics, etc).
Anyone photographing a waterfall or a stream or river in flow knows that nature is not static, it is moving.
During Hurricane Michael, many photographers photographed trees being uprooted and far flung by nearly Cat 5 winds.
Pretty much not static.
But as many have stated, who cares? It is what it is. To treat the question as though it's a Zen Koan is perhaps futile, IMO.
But really, if this is your rabbit hole, go down into the warren and see what you come up with.
There could be an equally intriguing question: " the camera static or moving"? Not in a scientific vein, but rather in terms of genre, considering the realm of motion blur and panning.
Good luck with it all.