You will be very happy with your purchase! it is a great camera. I use my 24-105is 90% of the time, the 70-200is 10%, the 50mm not at all. I always shoot RAW + large Jpeg. If you record the Jpeg accurately you will have fewer adjustments to make during the raw conversion. I found the Jpeg picture style; Standard (4,0,2,-1) to be most accurate. The sensor can capture such a wide gamut of colors, set the color space to Adobe rgb. During raw conversion Adobe rgb is good for most scenes but sunsets etc need more, prophoto. I use 2, 4 gb CF cards because one full card fits on a single side of a DVD for archiving. The 4, 2 gb cards might be more akward if you are planing to archive on DVD's. As far as raw converters I am a fan of DXO optics. I have tried many and keep returning to DXO as the most accurate, realistic and pleasing output. The 24-105 has a fair amount of vignetting at 24mm. DXO takes care of that. It is $300 but there is a free 30 day download and a $60 discount at the end of your trial. So $1200 for a lens and only $240 to significantly improve it and others seems to me like a bargain. If you decide to try it my initial settings are lens sharpness: .50, DXO lighting: medium and in the noise settings: retain fine details 90%