I have glossy prints that are 39" on the long side from 24x36 at 24 MP and they are pretty good. I have also 47" prints from 24x36, but they are on canvas that is not that demanding. I also have a couple of prints at 3'x10' and 3' by 13' on glossy from 24x36, but those are panoramas. All those prints are pretty good. What I mean is that you can look close and they are good.
I have also been shooting with an MFD back, a P45+ on Hasselblad V. But, I have not printed above 32" wide on glossy from that format as i did have few compelling photographs. I have some decent size prints on canvas, though.
My take is a bit that:
- We can make excellent prints from 24x36 mm, presuming good lenses and proper technique.
- I am pretty sure that 24x36 mm can deliver excellent quality at 24-42 MP, because I have been there and done that.
- I don't think that say 39 MP on MFD offers an advantage over 42 MP on 24x36 mm, because I have been there and done that.
- I would think that excellent lenses combined with excellent work on 44x33mm may yield an advantage over 24x36. I have no experience of my own and I have not seen any images to prove it, but it is quite credible.
- I am pretty sure that 100 MP would yield better images than 50 MP, pretty much regardless of format, presuming optimal workflow. But, I have not really seen any great image printed at adequate size from 100 MP medium format.
- I was at a Stockholm Photo Exhibition a week ago and I have not seen any image at any exhibition boot that was great. Subject matter, photographer and processing matters more than gear. But, there were few really well made really large prints and there was not really good light. There were some really good photographs, but those were not at vendor's booths and possibly not taken with the greatest gear.
- I had the opportunity to check out the Fuji GFX. The sample pictures were not better than the sample pictures from the APS-C cameras. Anyway, I really liked the GFX, but playing around with a camera for a few minutes doesn't tell much about it. Checking out DPReviews test and standard shots tells me about 1000 times more than dabbling around with the cameras and seeing some mediocre prints.
- I hoped to check out the Hasselblad X1D, but they had no boot at the main photo exhibition in the capital of Sweden, how odd! A few weeks ago I hoped to dabble around with the X1D at the Photography Museum in Stockholm where they are supposed to have a store, but they had just a couple of non working samples on exhibit with a couple of DJI drones. Just to explain, Hasselblad X1D is handmade in Sweden and Stockholm is the capital of Sweden. If you cannot get a demo of Hasselblad in Stockholm, you may ask, why?!
So, to sum up. I would think that MFD may make for a very nice landscape camera. But, I may think that 24x36 mm is perfectly capable of the job. It is very nice to have Fuji GFX giving us an affordable option and that also goes for the Hassy X1D. But Hassy not showing at two obvious places indicates that Hassy is still in the cost cutting mode and that makes me wonder.
I wouldn't argue with anyone saying that say IQ3 100MP may make sense for really large prints. Unfortunately, I have not seen great prints of great images to prove it.
An obvious question is how forthcoming 100 MP on 44x33 mm on Fuji GFX and Hasselblad X1D will match existing 100 MP from Hasselblad and Phase One. Obviously, both Phase One and Hasselbald will move on to 150 MP, the sensors are announced and the cameras will follow.
No doubt, there will be photographers who make best use of the large format (54x40 mm) 150 MP sensor on technical cameras using Rodenstock HR lenses and making optimal use of Scheimpflug at medium apertures and those photographers will benefit from the very finest sensors.
I am not sure about MFD SLR like the Phase One XF and the Hasselblad 6D making that much sense. I would almost wage a bet that a camera system designed around the 100 MP 44x33mm sensor is a better choice.
Best regards
Are you printing that large from a single full-frame capture, or are you stitching or using a larger format camera? I've never tried to print larger than 21 inches on the long edge from a single frame of my 36 Mpx D800E, but my impression is that 40 inches and certainly 80 would be a stretch (pun intended).