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Author Topic: Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?  (Read 2560 times)


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Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?
« on: August 27, 2016, 01:42:35 am »

Anyone come across this before?

Seems to be an issue mostly with my Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) lens.
See attachments.
Directly into the sun for picture 0166 (though facing down) and 70 degrees to the sun on right for picture 0156.

I have all chrome C lenses for my 500cm Hassy and have not really noticed this with the 80mm, 150mm or 250mm in film or Digital Sensor (CFV16II).
Though having checked some film and digital photos into the sun, the 80mm also does seem to lightly do this but the picture were crap anyway so did not notice this before.

Because of this I bought a 6093 hood and this solved the issue with the 80mm but this did add tons of extra contrast with the 80mm, 150mm and 250mm, which I tend to not like doing as I add this after if I feel like it.

I've never really used the 50mm in favour of the 80mm for most occasions especially as I did not have and could not find a 67mm Hasselblad thread to fit the 6093 hood.

So it languished in the cupboard until I eventually made a 67mm thread adapter with bayonet fitting so I could fit the 6093 hood to the 50mm, which at least fits.
But does not seem to fix the flare? at all (in any direction with bright sunlight) if that's what it is?
Incidentally in order for me to fit the 67mm filter thread I made I removed the original filter holder thread that came with the lens.

Could this be the issue?

Anyone come across this issue and a fix?
Should I get a 67mm UV filter to fit the lens so I can keep using my DIY bayonet mount?

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Chris Livsey

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Re: Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2016, 07:16:36 am »

I have not seen that on my 50mm C, also not coated T*, which sensor?
I have used film and P45+ on the H1, P20 on the V series with this lens and not seen it, it's sunny today so I will shoot more into the sun, just to see.

Hasselblad never made 67mm filters for this lens, the thread is not the same, you should check your adapter for fit.
The "correct" filter is a 63mm drop in also known as Series VIII often seen by Leica/Leitz, as well as Hasselblad, for some of their lenses.
The "correct" 50 hood is very shallow (compared to the CF range) and will also replace the retainer and hold in the filters.
I would suggest you find the hood, they are commonly found, which affords some shading but not as excessively as the Pro hood does.

Unfortunately without the hood:



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Re: Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2016, 11:36:39 am »

Thank you for your reply.

It's the square sensor Hasselblad CFV16II

I found a 67mm screw thread step up rung which fitted perfectly and cut it to match the Bayonet fitting of the B70 mount. The 6093 hood firs perfectly and locks into place.

I weng out this morning and took pictures with the original filter on, then off, then with the hood at 90 degrees to the sun 45 degrees and directly into the sun at 9am.

It's very sunny today and only the 45 degree shot showed very slight lightness in the centre.

I'll post the pictures shortly.

It seems it's most pronounced in soft light but 45 degrees with bright highlight also produce this issue.

The lens looks clear and nothing (AFAICS) which could produce this issue.

Plus I've just got this digital back back from Hasselblad so it can't be that as it was doing this before from shots I've reviewed. Plus it's also there on some film shots so it must be the lens.


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Re: Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2016, 12:51:12 pm »

I don't see the filter ring making any difference,on or off, as you will see it screws in to cover the same depth of chrome as on the lens, and is chrome as well which could cause reflections but wouldn't be like your images.
I have never tried a 67mm fitting but all my references state the thread, probably the pitch, is not that of a filter thread, if the fit is snug that's obviously fine.
I asked about the sensor because some can respond to light strangely and this lens is retrofocus in design but if it's on film, then it is the lens.
I went out and took some really boring shots but couldn't provoke the effect, but then despite the coatings on this lens, I find it hard to provoke flare anyway, and this doesn't look like flare.

Final throw of my dice: what stop are you using, I'm wondering, given the uniform shape, if this is not simply excessive vignetting for some reason, so if you adjusted exposure on the centre you would see the edges dark, Phocus can apply negative vignetting which may "fix" it. As to why I am at a loss, my example does not do that, wide open there is some fall off but not enough to be troublesome, a shame as the old lenses do render beautifully in the right circumstances.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 12:57:41 pm by Chris Livsey »


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Re: Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2016, 03:21:52 pm »

First thing I need to clear up. I've now checked my film shots and I am mistaken there are no flares on any of the film shots I can see, though I nearly always shoot with the 80mm anyway so I probably only had maybe one or two with the 50mm which is why I thought I remember a film shot having this issue, typically I now can;t find them.

OK I just popped out to shoot directly into the sun with all of my lenses at all f stops, including slightly off angle, but still facing the sun.

The 250mm has no orange flare at all f stops.
The 150mm has no orange flare at all f stops.
The 80mm has slight lens flare at f8 and above. Though the kind of flare is the expected type and not this weird orange halo type, with the 50mm.
The 50mm has flare at all f stops most pronounced at f11 above and worse at f22.


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Re: Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2016, 03:34:01 pm »

These are the shots this evening.

I thought it best to show them side by side from Lightroom, though I use Phocus predominantly and export to tiff due to any hot pixels get taken care of in Phocus.

That said, I can totally correct this issue in Lightroom with the shadow setting and a circular grad filter, but then I have the odd random hot pixel.

Could it be the sensor or the 50mm lens?
I'm leaning toward the lens.

Where could I get this thing cleaned in Sweden for a reasonable price?
Normally I'd get this done by Luton Camera repairs in the UK but I've moved to Sweden. (Home of the Hasselblad ;-)


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Re: Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2016, 04:19:44 pm »

Hmmm. I think you may just be asking too much of the 50, which doesn't have the more effective coating. Note that the 50 has 7 elements in 5 groups vs the 80's 7 elements in 5 groups. So, there are a few more air-to-glass surfaces to cause trouble with a bright source of light either in front of or to the side of the lens. Note also that any scattered light will reflect off of the sensor, whereas film is less reflective. Regardless, the compendium shade is your friend so it's good to use it whenever possible (i.e., only leave it off if you have no choice).

You may have already done so, but have you checked the lens carefully for haze and/or fungus? This can be done by shining a bright LED light (a cell phone light works quite well) at an angle behind the back of the lens. Don't be too alarmed by the dust but look for any haziness or growths on the internal glass surfaces. Another possibility is that the aperture and/or shutter blades may have picked up some grease which could be reflective. Inspect the aperture blades with the lens stopped down and the shutter cocked, and the shutter blades with the lens wide open and the shutter closed. In any case, a lens of this vintage can probably benefit from a cleaning and shutter servicing.

Good luck!



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Re: Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2016, 11:33:49 pm »

I have had a look with an LED torch and it looks quite clear but seems there is a fair amount of dust.

I had this lens CLA'd just over 6 months ago by my favourite local company in the UK where I used to live but I'm living in Sweden now for the next 12 months.

Apart from Hasselblad themselves I don't know anyone here who would clean it. :-(

I might have to ship it to the UK (though it;s more expensive to do this now) or America to David Odess who is the only person Google brought up when I did a search last night.

Anyone know of a good Hasselblad repair company in Sweden or nearby?

Chris Livsey

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Re: Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2016, 03:32:16 am »

As I paid £149 for my example, minimal dust, no nasty scratches and a good shutter, the cost of that work should be considered especially if the CLA was so recent, was there no guarantee with that work?
Then again what would you be asking them to do that wasn't done 6 months ago?
My feeling is, and several comments across the web on this model corroborate that, performance varies with examples more than usual for Hasselblad/Zeiss glass, and that this is a poor example you have, you may be better served by a fresh start before pouring more good money into it.



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Re: Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2016, 04:16:57 am »

Mine was a similar price.

I did not think it was in that bad a shape. The glass is unmarked, just this weird orange halo thing.
Luton Camera Repairs only offer a 6 month warranty on repairs and CLA's. It's just over that sadly, though they do only charge £70 for that.

Thankfully I have found a mint Chrome 50mm f4 T* near to me in Sweden and I will bid on it this week.
I think by the time I've spent the postage to and from where I am and the repair, I could just buy a new one like you suggest.

Chris Livsey

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Re: Hasselblad 50mm C (non *T) orange centralised lens flare?
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2016, 07:22:44 am »

It could be separation of the elements internally, not visible on inspection or maybe someone in the past has disassembled and cleaned the lens reducing internal coatings, who knows, I think moving on is best.
Do let us know how the "new" one performs in comparison.
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