Just curious of the general consensus of things regarding superior ergonomics.
I am trying to acclimate to the Nikon D810 I just purchased, and I realize that I have grown used to Canon ergonomics.
(I don't have to "think" when switching "this and that" on my Canon, it just happens automatically.)
While I am fully-aware of the fact I need to learn how to use my new Nikon, and that (maybe) all of its features will become second nature to me soon as well, my gut tells me Canon simply has superior ergonomics to the Nikon (which is a pretty big deal to me).
The switching of ISO levels (which requires 2 hands with the Nikon), the ability to display a histogram, even f/stop and SS switching just seems easier and more intuitive on the Canon than the Nikon.
(When quick thinking, and fast-action, are required, this can be a big deal ...)
I am curious to hear other people's thoughts in this regard: i.e., the opinions of those who have used multi-systems ... their beliefs as to which system has the superior ergonomics.
Every system seems to be upgrading at the moment ... and my thinking is, as "brand specs" get closer-and-closer in features, etc., that (ultimately) user-friendly, intuitive ergonomics are going to be the deciding points on purchase decisions ...
What are your thoughts?