I continue to pay for PV2012 ... which I already paid for ... in 2012. I have paid for a Book module I can't use because I use vendors that have different page sizes, margins and bleeds than does Blurb and Adobe in all their wisdom doesn't think I am worth the effort to allow customization of same.
I also pay for a Maps module I do not need or use. I have paid for a facial recognition module I don't really need and I have been paying for a nearly useless Web module since it's inception.
That's the way of it, I'm afraid. Every software package I use has featues I don't want, but it's unrealistic to expect that vendors will provide a sort of deli approach to package only those features one wants - and it certainly wouldn't be cheaper.
Not once have I ever complained about the creation of. or the continued development of these modules (expect for my well documented complaints about hamstringing the Book module) or lobbied against their development or inclusion as I know there are many other users who do find value in them.
Quite right not to complain, as it's actually reducing the price of the package for you by widening the appeal of it (or at least, that's what Adobe will be planning; whether they achieve it is another matter).
Why is it too much to ask for a few lines of code to assist me, and while a niche group, more than a few other like-minded Lr users, to have the ability to import only locked images? How many lines of code and how many years would it take Adobe to develop the feature? Heck, I was able to do this 5 years ago in Aperture without issue? If Apple could accomplish the task, how difficult must it be to offer? Why is it too complicated or unreasonable to ask my software provider of choice to serve my needs?
Perhaps you're not a software developer? Those "few lines of code" are probably much more than you think. More to the point, every additional "few lines of code", every extra option is an additional ongoing maintenance load. Every feature has the potential to interact with every other feature, requires checking for every new release and is a potential source of future bugs. With good design that feature interaction shouldn't happen, but it's surprising how often it does.
More than that: it's a source of confusion for users. It's another way for users to screw up. I'm not defending Adobe for their botched attempt at what they intended to be a simplified UI, but I can understand their objective. The various forums are full of comments from users that have tied themselves in knots by selecting the wrong option somewhere, and possibly clicking the "don't warn me again" option when LR asks "are you sure you want to do this?".
A common example: when ACR is out of step with Lightroom, you chose "Edit in Photoshop", LR warns you, and if you choose "Open anyway" (usually a bad choice) and "don't warn me again" you have a mysterious source of inexplicable errors some time in the future. I've lost count of the number of forum posts by people tripped up by that.
Edited to add: Clearly extra features are good as they may attract more users, and bad as they increase ongoing maintenance costs and risk confusing users. I wasn't criticisting ButchM's choice of features, only pointing out that there's always a hard balance to be struck by a software provider.