edmund, another great post, thanks
interesting the art-repro analogy as my wife is the principal of a fine art (old masters) restoration studio. she was telling me a dealer was complaining about what i have suspected for a while, these pesky digital captures are TOO GOOD for what many dealers want, you just get TOOOO MUCH, warts and all, and it can't be percieved with the naked eye. i've seen (an photographed) many many many exquisite premier league works of art (zurbarán, ribera, goya...) that have been really adversley affected when viewed on screen, microfibres, "craqualet" re-lining marks, not to mention varnish, all the dirty secrets of the last say 400 years and in many cases i've had to back off and down res...
ok, some dealers want all these mega-pixels, lord know why, and for a curator it may be interesting, but beware it can make a beautiful old master look badly damaged.
give me an 8x10" chrome please !!
i'm probably gonna get flamed for that comment!