Argh. I'm in the UK. I've had a couple of unsolicited requests recently via Flickr to use a couple of my photos. One is for a magazine (10000 bi-annual circulation) and another from a local hotel to use an image as a large backdrop.
They're asking for my terms, and I just don't know what to say to them. I have no idea what the going rate for this sort of thing is, I've no idea if these are the sorts of places that would even pay whatever the going rate is! In fact I suspect I've lost the hotel request as I kept talking about licensing terms but never talked about cost.
I suspect it would be crazy for me to ask them what they'd pay, surely I'd need an idea myself what I should be charging - but I don't! Would it be crazy to ask???
Pricing prints is easy - find someone who's work is of a similar standard, steal their price list!
This isn't so easy.
Any advice here???