Sorry this is a very basic question. I can record HD movies on my LX3 and play them back on HD TV through the component cable. But if I save the files onto the computer, obviously I cannot do this. What options are there for saving movie files that I can then play back at HD quality - save to DVD? Do I need editing software to do this?
If you make a DVD of the footage (one that can be played in a DVD player as opposed to a data DVD), it will be downsampled to 720x480 and will no longer be HD. iTunes is a good option for computer playback. For best playback quality, get a video card with HDMI output so you have a direct digital connection between the computer and the TV, or get a DDI-to-HDMI adapter (same image quality, but video only, no sound).
If you want to do anything but view the clips exactly as shot in the camera, you'll need editing software.
This really belongs in the Videography section.