Luminous Landscape Forum

Raw & Post Processing, Printing => Adobe Camera Raw Q&A => Topic started by: texshooter on August 06, 2022, 12:46:23 pm

Title: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: texshooter on August 06, 2022, 12:46:23 pm
Is there anything that Adobe Camera Raw can do that Lightroom Classic cannot?
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on August 06, 2022, 01:03:43 pm
More like the other way around.
If on version parity, offhand, I can't think of anything ACR can do that LR can't other than how a raw can be hosted; ACR can host Bridge and Photoshop, LR uses it's DAM/Catalog.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: fdisilvestro on August 06, 2022, 05:18:31 pm
When using "Edit in" an external editor, LR allows only 4 ICC profiles to chose from (Prophoto RGB, AdobeRGB(1988), sRGB or Display P3), and the histogram is based on the internal working profile regardless of what you choose.
If you want to output files using any another profile, you have to export first, and still you can select only RGB profiles.

In ACR you can choose any ICC profile, and the histogram reflects the output in that profile (yes, it will show CMYK values for CMYK profiles). This can be a difference if you use profiles such as CMYK or the Joseph Holmes ones)

Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on August 06, 2022, 05:36:05 pm
When using "Edit in" an external editor, LR allows only 4 ICC profiles to chose from (Prophoto RGB, AdobeRGB(1988), sRGB or Display P3), and the histogram is based on the internal working profile regardless of what you choose.
When you use the Edit in Photoshop command in LR, ACR is doing all the raw rendering with the four profile options.
I'm not sure how any raw file can be processed otherwise from any 'external editor' since only LR and ACR understand the proprietary parametric raw edits. With non-raw files, well they are already in a rendered color space.
No limitations or a difference with ACR in reality.

In ACR you can choose any ICC profile, and the histogram reflects the output in that profile
Same in LR; just soft proof (type S key) and pick the profile you wish. The Histogram and numbers now reflect that profile.
No limitations or a difference with ACR in reality.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: fdisilvestro on August 06, 2022, 06:52:29 pm

Same in LR; just soft proof (type S key) and pick the profile you wish. The Histogram and numbers now reflect that profile.
No limitations or a difference with ACR in reality.

Please explain how to softproof to an CMYK profile in LR or export an image with an CYMK profile
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on August 06, 2022, 07:01:41 pm
Please explain how to softproof to an CMYK profile in LR or export an image with an CYMK profile
There is no CMYK anything in the ACR engine that LR uses.
There were older versions of LR that did soft proof and convert to CMYK, they were removed (for good reason).
There is CMYK in Photoshop, however, which can convert to CMYK from ACR.
I have no idea why anyone would even think of doing this directly from raw data to CMYK and neither did the LR team (for good reason).
Hopefully, you'll note that in ACR, there is no CMYK numbers either but sure, soft proof.  ;)

Edit In External editor doesn't limit any RGB conversions unless you apply a parametric edit in LR. You can open an RGB document in an RGB color space that isn't listed in the preferences so, if its in ColorMatch RGB and you simply ask to open in that external editor, LR simply hands of ColorMatch RGB. Unlike what you suggested, when using "Edit in" an external editor, LR allows any RGB profiles to be honored UNLESS you apply proprietary, parametric edits just like it would with raw.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: fdisilvestro on August 06, 2022, 07:14:13 pm
in ACR, there is no CMYK numbers either but sure, soft proof.  ;)

See attached image

Now, try to open a raw file as a smart object in PS from LR with a profile different than Prophoto RGB, Adobe RGB(1988), sRGB or Display P3.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on August 06, 2022, 07:21:00 pm
Now, try to open a raw file as a smart object in PS from LR with a profile different than Prophoto RGB, Adobe RGB(1988), sRGB or Display P3.

There is CMYK in Photoshop, however, which can convert to CMYK from ACR.
I have no idea why anyone would even think of doing this directly from raw data to CMYK and neither did the LR team (for good reason).

There were older versions ( of LR that did soft proof and convert to CMYK, they were removed (for good reason).
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: fdisilvestro on August 06, 2022, 07:34:20 pm
Is there anything that Adobe Camera Raw can do that Lightroom Classic cannot?

This was the original question. There is something that can be done in ACR that cannot be done in LR. Maybe it is wrong, or not useful.
I rest my case
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on August 06, 2022, 07:45:31 pm
Is there anything that Adobe Camera Raw can do that Lightroom Classic cannot?

This was the original question. There is something that can be done in ACR that cannot be done in LR. Maybe it is wrong, or not useful.
I rest my case

Not much of a case; ACR can open a raw without having to import it into a catalog first.
One can host ACR and Bridge at the same time; can't do that in LR either. BFD.
Now, want to start a list of all the actually useful functionality LR provides ACR doesn't? It's far longer than the one's you and I have come up! There is lots that can be done in LR that cannot be done in ACR. But the OP didn't ask what he can't do in ACR he could do in LR.
I rest my case.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: texshooter on August 07, 2022, 10:39:24 am
I decided to join the herd and learn Lightroom. I'm sure it's come a long way since 2.0. I just wanted to make sure I won't be limited functionally with respect to smart objects, color spaces, interacting with Photoshop, speed of use, etc.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: Arlen on August 07, 2022, 03:33:50 pm
For my use, the History panel in LR's Develop module is the one huge advantage over ACR. I still use ACR quite a bit, especially as a filter, but I find the lack of a history list there--to easily go back and forth between edit steps--to be a big disadvantage. I wish they would implement that in ACR.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on August 07, 2022, 03:44:54 pm
For my use, the History panel in LR's Develop module is the one huge advantage over ACR. I still use ACR quite a bit, especially as a filter, but I find the lack of a history list there--to easily go back and forth between edit steps--to be a big disadvantage. I wish they would implement that in ACR.

I believe (could be wrong) the history data is stored in the LR catalog, not metadata.  If that’s the case, be difficult to implement in ACR
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on August 07, 2022, 03:47:22 pm
I believe (could be wrong) the history data is stored in the LR catalog, not metadata.  If that’s the case, be difficult to implement in ACR
You are correct on both. Ditto for Virtual copies and Proof copies; but tremendously useful for LR users that ACR can't provide.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: Arlen on August 07, 2022, 04:04:05 pm
but tremendously useful for LR users that ACR can't provide.

A really huge advantage. Whenever I'm processing something in ACR, I feel like I have one hand tied behind my back.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: texshooter on August 16, 2022, 12:49:33 pm
I'm liking Lightroom so far. I found this tutorial very informative. (

I'm still confused about one thing though.
Lightroom allows the editing of Smart Previews, which are tiny compressed DNGs, using all the tools in the Develop module (except for roundtripping to Photoshop). But my gut tells me this can't be possible without losing some edit accuracy/quality. How is it possible to edit highly compressed DNGs and still get the same quality results as editing uncompressed RAWs?  I understand Lightroom is not editing pixels but rather building a set of instructions, but Lightroom relies on the data in the RAW or DNG file for the information upon which it builds those instructions.  The less RAW data there is to work with, the lower the quality edits you end up with, is my guess.  So how is it possible for Lightroom to edit Smart Preview without paying a price somehow?
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on August 16, 2022, 12:55:03 pm
Specifically this about Smart Previews and where they are useful:
Continue to work with your Smart Preview files even when the device containing your original photographs is disconnected. You can perform all edits that you would perform on the original file.

Once created, your Smart Preview files are always up to date. When your storage device is connected, any edits you make to the original file are applied instantly to the Smart Previews as well.

IOW, it's a preview. If you're not going to be going 'off line', you may not even need to consider them.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: texshooter on August 16, 2022, 01:16:50 pm
Thanks, but those web articles simply reiterated what I already knew, namely that Lightroom allows the editing of compressed versions ("Smart Previews") of the original RAW files without having to be connected to the drive containing those original RAW files.
What I'm scratching my head over is how is it possible for Lightroom to do this without losing editing accuracy.  The Smart Preview DNG is only 3% the size of the original RAW file out of the camera. Intuition tells me if I edit these itty-bitty DNGs, my edits must suffer someway somehow.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on August 16, 2022, 01:21:32 pm
They are just previews and the actual edits are then applied TO THE ORIGINAL data when you reconnect. Nothing lost.
Everything LR does (and ACR) is parametric editing. Instructions. The instructions can (and are) used when you render the original data. There should be no data loss.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: texshooter on August 16, 2022, 02:11:49 pm
Here is a statement I read that confirms my suspicions all along.

"For accurate detail work like Sharpening and Noise Reduction, the 1:1 on a Smart Preview is not the same as the 1:1 on the original uncompressed file. You’ll have to perform these types of adjustments once you have the original file available again. "

So I will never edit off of Smart Previews. Only original RAWs for me.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on August 16, 2022, 02:18:03 pm
Here is a statement I read that confirms my suspicions all along.
"For accurate detail work like Sharpening and Noise Reduction, the 1:1 on a Smart Preview is not the same as the 1:1 on the original uncompressed file. You’ll have to perform these types of adjustments once you have the original file available again. "
No, again this has no effect on the original image data but it does have an effect on the previews AS you edit them.
Your suspicions are off.
Without Smart Previews, you can edit Sharpening and Noise Reduction without being at 1:1 or greater and you're editing blindly. Not recommended.
Smart Previews are previews.
Edits are edits (ideal or otherwise).
Edits ARE applied to the original data if you let it. As you should.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on August 16, 2022, 02:28:45 pm
View this all or fast forward to 9 minutes in:
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: texshooter on August 18, 2022, 09:04:17 pm
Jeff Schewe said in his tut Advanced Guide to Lightroom 5:

"The DNG in the Smart Preview knows from which file it came. What that means is that it knows it started life as a high resolution file and now has been downsampled. So if I set the sharpening on the low-resolution DNG, Lightroom will automatically interpolate correctly the radius and sharpening amount on your high-rez file."

This makes sense to me, so I conducted a test to confirm. I created a Smart Preview of the subject image and then disconnected my drive containing the original RAW. I then applied sharpening and noise reduction to the Smart Preview. Then I reconnected the drive. Lightroom recognized the drive and presumably applied its radius and sharpen amount interpolations to the the original file. But the actual sliders in the Detail panel did not move one bit. So I will assume the interpolation happened even though the sliders did not move. I will also assume that the interpolation that Schewe spoke of is mathematically perfect. So yes, editing Smart Preview DNGs is just as good as editing full-size RAWs.... I trust.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on August 18, 2022, 09:21:48 pm
So yes, editing Smart Preview DNGs is just as good as editing full-size RAWs.... I trust.
Yes. AGAIN, it is simply a PREVIEW. Hence the name. What makes it smart is that you can work offline and then on line, and end up as if you didn't work off line.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: StephaneB on March 24, 2023, 12:08:55 pm
Sorry to revive an old discussion, but I noticed the other day that in ACR one can use a curve with a mask, ie. local adjustment. that, to my knowledge, is not possible in LR.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on March 24, 2023, 12:11:23 pm
Sorry to revive an old discussion, but I noticed the other day that in ACR one can use a curve with a mask, ie. local adjustment. that, to my knowledge, is not possible in LR.
Not yet. Key is yet.....  ;)
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: StephaneB on March 24, 2023, 12:16:49 pm
Not yet. Key is yet.....  ;)

Great news! Thanks!

OK, my next thing to look forward to is Adobe adding an AI-based noise reduction tick box in the enhance dialog box. :) But I digress.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on March 24, 2023, 12:20:49 pm
Great news! Thanks!
What news?  ;)
OK, my next thing to look forward to is Adobe adding an AI-based noise reduction tick box in the enhance dialog box. :) But I digress.
No comment ;)
But keep in mind that Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom Classic are on processing engine parity so we can go back and forth between the two. Using Edit In Photoshop in LR actually calls Adobe Camera Raw to render, so there's another reason. The teams have different release schedules. So if you see a feature in one, you can pretty much safely bet, it will be in the other if the feature is processing the data. 
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on March 24, 2023, 01:29:13 pm
Not yet. Key is yet.....  ;)

But it has been promised for months!!
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on March 24, 2023, 01:32:49 pm
But it has been promised for months!!
For some, a promise kept. 🤫
Did anyone promise you when you're getting it? 🤔
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on March 24, 2023, 01:38:35 pm
For some, a promise kept. 🤫
Did anyone promise you when you're getting it? 🤔
Quite unnecessary and beneath you, Andrew!
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on March 24, 2023, 01:51:31 pm
Quite unnecessary and beneath you, Andrew!
I'll take that as a 'no' (no date promised) answer <g>.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on March 24, 2023, 01:58:15 pm
I'll take that as a 'no' (no date promised) answer <g>.

You constantly need to show your ‘bottom’, don’t you?
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on March 24, 2023, 02:08:10 pm
You constantly need to show your ‘bottom’, don’t you?
I'm sorry if the facts have ruined your day.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on March 24, 2023, 02:37:06 pm
I'm sorry if the facts have ruined your day.

…and again…hard to keep your pants up, it seems! 😀
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on March 24, 2023, 02:43:26 pm
…and again…hard to keep your pants up, it seems! 😀
Seems is the key above:
"The problem with assumptions is that we believe they are the truth." -Miguel Angel Ruiz

This is simple. You came into this post late, going OT about a promise that is months old. Fact: some of us (not you) have seen the promise provided.
Adobe nor anyone who has seen the promise fulfilled told you when you'd get the feature. As far as you know, it might be days or months away. You don't know. I do. I can't (I will not) tell you, neither will Adobe or anyone who signed an NDA.
I promise, it IS coming.
Now sit back like a good boy and wait. You really have no other options anyway!
I'm again sorry if these facts have ruined your day.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on March 24, 2023, 02:58:20 pm
Seems is the key above:
"The problem with assumptions is that we believe they are the truth." -Miguel Angel Ruiz

This is simple. You came into this post late, going OT about a promise that is months old. Fact: some of us (not you) have seen the promise provided.
Adobe nor anyone who has seen the promise fulfilled told you when you'd get the feature. As far as you know, it might be days or months away. You don't know. I do. I can't (I will not) tell you, neither will Adobe or anyone who signed an NDA.
I promise, it IS coming.
Now sit back like a good boy and wait. You really have no other options anyway!
I'm again sorry if these facts have ruined your day.

Much ado about nothing…as usual, it includes useless quotes.  I did not ask for a date, nor did I expect it…..nor did I make a big deal about it, which you, again, seem to be making… trying to improve your (useless) image by alluding to an NDA….who cares!!
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on March 24, 2023, 03:01:37 pm
Much ado about nothing…as usual, it includes useless quotes.  I did not ask for a date, nor did I expect it…..nor did I make a big deal about it, which you, again, seem to be making… trying to improve your (useless) image by alluding to an NDA….who cares!!
Those that respect facts based on experience probably care.
Those that hijack posts with rants about a promise not made (by date), don't.  Much ado about nothing…as usual.
I'm not suggesting anything. I'm telling you the facts which you can't process; fine.

Your OT rant:
But it has been promised for months!!
Quite unnecessary and beneath you, John!
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on March 24, 2023, 03:10:51 pm
Those that respect facts based on experience probably care.
Those that hijack posts with rants about a promise not made (by date), don't.  Much ado about nothing…as usual.
I'm not suggesting anything. I'm telling you the facts which you can't process; fine.

Your OT rant:Quite unnecessary and beneath you, John!

Nope…I get the last (probably next) word😀 (you are so predictable)
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on March 24, 2023, 03:27:33 pm
Nope…I get the last (probably next) word😀 (you are so predictable)
I'll stick to the facts:
I promise you'll get the feature. Someday, by surprise, but not today.
You can get the last, incorrect, absurd word on that topic John.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on March 24, 2023, 05:14:33 pm
I'll stick to the facts:
I promise you'll get the feature. Someday, by surprise, but not today.
You can get the last, incorrect, absurd word on that topic John.

You can’t seem to read.  I never made any allusions to it never coming.  I made a statement that said it was taking months….disappointed, yes….ranting, no.   There was never any need for you to comment on that, except to show off (your bottom, obviously).
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on March 24, 2023, 05:41:20 pm
I promise you'll get the feature. Someday, by surprise, but not today.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on March 24, 2023, 06:18:09 pm
Andrew….of course it will come…Adobe committed to it…and did not commit a date, which I would never expect any good developer, or manager of, to do.  That does not mean that someone cannot be disappointed in the length of time it is taking.  But you just have fun poking at other posters to increase your image of yourself.

And, BTW…how can you ‘promise’ anything?  Adobe committed it…that’s a promise.  Yours is worthless
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on March 24, 2023, 06:49:57 pm
Andrew….of course it will come…Adobe committed to it…

Sorry to revive an old discussion, but I noticed the other day that in ACR one can use a curve with a mask, ie. local adjustment.

And, BTW…how can you ‘promise’ anything?
For some, a promise kept. 🤫
Fact: some of us (not you) have seen the promise provided.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on March 24, 2023, 07:01:42 pm

😀 your silly attempt to avoid being quoted is significant….the content of the quote above is equivalent to the content of your comments….worthless!!
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on March 24, 2023, 07:11:33 pm
😀 your silly attempt to avoid being quoted is significant….the content of the quote above is equivalent to the content of your comments….worthless!!

You can't seem to read. (
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on March 24, 2023, 07:20:26 pm
I can read what little you say….even when it is worthless 😀 …..and often meaningless…usually intended just to poke at other posts, not provide worthwhile info

Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on April 17, 2023, 10:17:26 am
Good things come to those that wait!
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on April 17, 2023, 10:30:50 am
Good things come to those that wait!

Are you, gloatingly, preannouncing imminent availability or just confirming, what everyone knows, that it will come eventually?
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on April 17, 2023, 10:39:35 am
Are you, gloatingly, preannouncing imminent availability or just confirming, what everyone knows, that it will come eventually?
Patience old grasshopper.🤫
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on April 17, 2023, 10:42:58 am
Patience grasshopper.🤫

I have patience…and, as stated, faith that Adobe will deliver.  That doesn’t change the truth in my original statement, which started this ‘tennis match’….” But it has been promised for months!!” 😀

BTW….that’s a really old movie and will be lost on many!!
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on April 17, 2023, 10:48:16 am
BTW….that’s a really old movie and will be lost on many!!
You would do well to communicate on what's lost on you; the timeframe around proposed promises.
Perhaps connecting those dots isn't difficult for others but I will let them speak for themselves.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on April 17, 2023, 10:50:29 am
You would do well to communicate on what's lost on you; the timeframe around proposed promises.
Perhaps connecting those dots isn't difficult for others but I will let them speak for themselves.

Why don’t you let them speak?  You seem to be the only one making a stink about an minor statement of fact.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on April 17, 2023, 10:55:31 am
You seem to be the only one making a stink about an minor statement of fact.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please." --Mark Twain

For some, a promise kept. 🤫
Did anyone promise you when you're getting it? 🤔
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on April 17, 2023, 11:04:28 am
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please." --Mark Twain

I have not deviated from any facts, nor said Adobe would not keep their promise.  You have this nasty habit of twisting statements to attack others and/or to improve your, false, importance.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on April 17, 2023, 11:12:13 am
I have not deviated from any facts, nor said Adobe would not keep their promise.  You have this nasty habit of twisting statements to attack others and/or to improve your, false, importance.
You are entitled to have an opinion not based on any facts provided by Adobe as outlined in my first reply to you on this subject and again minutes ago.
I am just letting you know that I find it stupid.
I unlike you will not speak for others!
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on April 17, 2023, 11:15:30 am
You are entitled to have an opinion not based on any facts provided by Adobe as outlined in my first reply to you on this subject and again minutes ago.
I am just letting you know that I find it stupid.
I unlike you will not speak for others!

Yet….you continue to speak for others…..

BTW….you first reply, in this thread….was not factual….(relative to the lack of local curves in LR)

More like the other way around.
If on version parity, offhand, I can't think of anything ACR can do that LR can't other than how a raw can be hosted; ACR can host Bridge and Photoshop, LR uses it's DAM/Catalog.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: degrub on April 17, 2023, 11:18:07 am
Both of you, just knock it off.  ;D

Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on April 18, 2023, 09:21:56 am
Along with the sunshine
There's gotta be a little rain sometime
I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: jrsforums on April 19, 2023, 12:14:43 am
Along with the sunshine
There's gotta be a little rain sometime
I beg your pardon
I never promised you a rose garden

Gotta have the last word, Andrew, strike again!,

Still….this has nothing to do with our ‘discussion’…while I never had a doubt it would happen….it still took a long time to get curves into masking….and you never could comprehend that is all I said…what a pita
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on April 19, 2023, 08:51:26 am
Gotta have the last word, Andrew, strike again!,
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: Michael West on August 17, 2023, 02:42:09 pm
Is there anything that Adobe Camera Raw can do that Lightroom Classic cannot?

In using the select object needn't reselect the tool for each portion of a mask ones "building" 0r otherwise is necessary win Lightrooma

Lightrooms brush tool doesn't require re selection ...for added Steps but its object tool does.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: Jack Hogan on September 14, 2023, 09:53:00 am
Is there anything that Adobe Camera Raw can do that Lightroom Classic cannot?

If you have a compatible monitor and operating system, Adobe Camera Raw has had for the past year or so a High Dynamic Range Output feature preview that really shows off HDR images.  Quite a step forward but so far only available in ACR.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: digitaldog on September 14, 2023, 11:54:38 am
If you have a compatible monitor and operating system, Adobe Camera Raw has had for the past year or so a High Dynamic Range Output feature preview that really shows off HDR images.  Quite a step forward but so far only available in ACR.
HDR as a Technology Preview for Adobe Camera Raw came about in April 2023:
Whatever you find in Adobe Camera Raw isn't far behind in Lightroom Classic (enough said, stay tuned).
FWIW, there are quite a few potentials 'hurt me' buttons with HDR (which is for display only) but that's another topic.
Title: Re: What can ACR do that LR can't?
Post by: chrismonti07 on April 28, 2024, 11:52:47 am
Edit In External editor doesn't limit any RGB conversions unless you apply a parametric edit in LR. You can open an RGB document in an RGB color space that isn't listed in the preferences so, if its in ColorMatch RGB and you simply ask to open in that external editor, LR simply hands of ColorMatch RGB. Unlike what you suggested, when using "Edit in" an external editor, LR allows any RGB profiles to be honored UNLESS you apply proprietary, parametric edits just like it would with raw.