Luminous Landscape Forum

Equipment & Techniques => Landscape & Nature Photography => Topic started by: Vieri Bottazzini on February 11, 2017, 04:35:21 am

Title: Symmetries at Playa Ballota, Spain
Post by: Vieri Bottazzini on February 11, 2017, 04:35:21 am
Just as the title says: Symmetries at Playa Ballota, Spain.


Leica S (007), Leica Summarit-S 35mm. Best,

Title: Re: Symmetries at Playa Ballota, Spain
Post by: davidgp on February 12, 2017, 05:08:31 am
Love the scene... Especially how the foreground compensates the background...

Every time I see your Asturias images I always think that I need to travel some days there... And living relatively close, I have no excuse...

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Title: Re: Symmetries at Playa Ballota, Spain
Post by: Walt Roycraft on February 12, 2017, 10:11:36 am
Viere, very nice! I love the color palette, very tranquil.
Title: Re: Symmetries at Playa Ballota, Spain
Post by: Francesco Carucci on February 12, 2017, 12:14:01 pm
This is breath taking. I love it.
Title: Re: Symmetries at Playa Ballota, Spain
Post by: Chris Calohan on February 12, 2017, 01:17:57 pm
Very Nice
Title: Re: Symmetries at Playa Ballota, Spain
Post by: Jeremy Roussak on February 12, 2017, 01:48:42 pm

Out of curiosity, how long was the exposure?

Title: Re: Symmetries at Playa Ballota, Spain
Post by: Eric Myrvaagnes on February 12, 2017, 05:38:54 pm
This is the kind of careful, beautifully executed shot that brings to mind Minor White's comment:
“For technical data – the camera was faithfully used.”
Title: Re: Symmetries at Playa Ballota, Spain
Post by: Paulo Bizarro on February 13, 2017, 06:06:51 am
Just beautiful.
Title: Re: Symmetries at Playa Ballota, Spain
Post by: Vieri Bottazzini on February 17, 2017, 04:33:55 am
Love the scene... Especially how the foreground compensates the background...

Every time I see your Asturias images I always think that I need to travel some days there... And living relatively close, I have no excuse...

Thank you very much David, glad you enjoyed the image and the foreground-background relationship :)

Viere, very nice! I love the color palette, very tranquil.

Thank you very much Walt, much appreciated :)

This is breath taking. I love it.

Thank you very much Francesco for your very kind comment :)

Very Nice

Thank you Chris! :)


Out of curiosity, how long was the exposure?


Thank you Jeremy! :) Exposure was 12 seconds, f/11 on the Summarit-S 35mm (FOV equivalent 28mm in FF terms).

This is the kind of careful, beautifully executed shot that brings to mind Minor White's comment:
“For technical data – the camera was faithfully used.”

Thank you very much Eric, glad you enjoyed it :) And thank you for Minor White's comment, which brought a smile to my face in times when everyone is way too concerned with the technicalities of digital photography, number of megapixels, number of focus points, etc etc and perhaps not enough with the aesthetics of image-creating. Even though, on the other hand and to be honest, I think it was simpler back in the day to answer with an ironic (and "philosophically" intelligent, perhaps a bit flippant) remark rather than marking exposure for every frame on a notepad, and remembering exactly which data corresponded to which image...  ;D As we know, some photographers did keep great record of their exposures, some didn't: today, cameras and technology serves us very well, and we have no excuses not to know (and think about) our exif...

Just beautiful.

Thank you very much Paulo, glad you enjoyed it :)